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Cacatuoides ID and sexing help


New Member
This is my first apisto, he was sold to me as a cacatuoides double red male, unsure of the age but he's about 2 inches long total and I've had him a week. I believe he is indeed a male because of the longer spikes at the front of his dorsal fin, but would like your all's input in confirming this. But I'm wondering is he really a double red? He has that one spot on his tail but otherwise he seems to be starting to color up orange. Could he be an orange flash? Or is he just still getting his coloring? If y'all think he's a double red, when should I expect to see more color? Currently he's alone in quarantine

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Your cacatuoides is not a Double-red specimen. It looks more like wild caught specimens that I have collected in Peru and Colombia. That being said, it might be a throw-back from a Double-red strain. I doubt that it will show more red spots, but the orange color can be enhanced somewhat by adding more color-enhancing foods.


New Member
Your cacatuoides is not a Double-red specimen. It looks more like wild caught specimens that I have collected in Peru and Colombia. That being said, it might be a throw-back from a Double-red strain. I doubt that it will show more red spots, but the orange color can be enhanced somewhat by adding more color-enhancing foods.
Thank you, Mike! That's disappointing since I was hoping for some color from him, but I'm already attached lol. He is a little picky about food, so that would make sense that he's wild caught. Is there any difference in their care and/or temperament if they're wild caught? If I (eventually) got another cacatuoides that's tank bred and more colorful, do you think they'd do alright together / would it make any difference?

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
A cacatuoides is a cacatuoides, just like a blonde person is a human just like a redhead. The only difference is basically the color of their hair. There is little difference in water requirements or behavior between wild and domestic forms of cacatuoides. Your cacatuoides may or may not be a wild specimen. Apistos can be picky eaters whether wild or domestic. Genetics can be interesting. Adding a color strain to the mix probably will add color to their offspring.


New Member
A cacatuoides is a cacatuoides, just like a blonde person is a human just like a redhead. The only difference is basically the color of their hair. There is little difference in water requirements or behavior between wild and domestic forms of cacatuoides. Your cacatuoides may or may not be a wild specimen. Apistos can be picky eaters whether wild or domestic. Genetics can be interesting. Adding a color strain to the mix probably will add color to their offspring.
Gotcha. Thank you Mike for the info, much appreciated!


Your cacatuoides is not a Double-red specimen. It looks more like wild caught specimens that I have collected in Peru and Colombia. That being said, it might be a throw-back from a Double-red strain. I doubt that it will show more red spots, but the orange color can be enhanced somewhat by adding more color-enhancing foods.
It could be a wc F1 or F2, I’m not entirely sure. It looks more orange than normal wc species tho, different areas of collection may show different colouration


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
N.W. Fl.
All my males have that orange spot, but he is to dark to compare to the ones I have. I like the wc or wild form myself.


New Member
It could be a wc F1 or F2, I’m not entirely sure. It looks more orange than normal wc species tho, different areas of collection may show different colouration
He is getting more orange in his fins now. Nothing like the bright colors of the selectively bred ones but definitely some color. So not sure if he's wild caught or just wild type, and I'll probably never know lol

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