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Hello fish friends,
I need some help / insight on sexing these fish
I combed through previous threads to see if I could parse out for myself but came out just as uncertain. I took these 2 x Panduros in from a friend who was exiting the hobby right after getting them himself, they are young. I...
Hey everyone I'm having a lot of trouble reaching a definitive answer about the sex of my opals I got a few weeks ago. The "male" of the pair hasn't colored up much at all and after sharing pics on reddit and Facebook apisto communities, it seems that no one can quite make heads or tails of what...
Apologies as I note this is a frequently asked question and difficult with this domestic colour morph, is anyone able to help me sex this agassizii fire gold.
I have a definite male in a separate tank, however I am unsure on the fish in question (pictures below). Cannot tell if it is a female...
Hello again,
I recently got two Hongsloi. Posted asking if the smaller was a M or F and was advised 100% male. I brought him back and got a new supposed female Hongsloi, after 1 week of the new one settling in am posting asking if this time I actually got a female.
Behavior of the pair is...
Now that it’s been a week of the new apisto pair acclimating I’m wondering if you can confirm or deny that this is a female.
Picture of male attached as well
Let me know if I need to take more. They were sold as a pair but I’m just wondering if now that they’re in their own...
Good morning,
I'm new to keeping Apistogramma. I've got a singe definite developed male. I've also been sold 4 'females' with the plan to set up a harem. Two of these four are definitely male - I've used the older forum posts to identify this.
I've inserted images of the other two. Does anyone...
I need help sexing all 3 of these fish they are juvenile cacatuoides and 2 of them are showing aggression. The place I bought them from accidentally gave me 3 and now pic 2 and pic 3 are being aggressive. Can you help me sex them and tell me what I should do?
Dear Forum,
thanks for your help already in advance!
I got two young Apistogamma borellii. Length at around 4 cm/1.5 inch.
The first one is I think a male. The second one (see photo) I am not so sure about.
Is it a female? (black line through the eye, the first ray of the breastfin ist also...
Hello all!
I recently bought these two A. Macmasteri. The guy from the fish shop assured me he was selling me a male and a female, but I'm not so sure.
Picture A he said was a male:
And picture B he said was a female:
The Macmasteri in picture B is much smaller, about 2.5 inches while A...
What are your thoughts on the sex of this fish, first 2 photos I took today, 3rd is when I first got it, I was after a male and female (4th pic is a male that i have for sure) however the male is super aggressive and just chases the first constantly.
They do tail slap each other but the...
I got a rescued pair of apistogramma macmasteri they were in horrible conditions, they shared a 4g tank with few guppies, they were skinny and had fin rot, i managed to talk with the guy who was selling the tank to sell me his pair.
The pair is in my 55g for now, feeding them heavily with live...
I've previously asked, however, was asked to wait until they had settled again. They've settled after the rescape, so I've done my best to take some pictures (Chopstick seems to have turned camera shy as of late).
The first three is the above mentioned fish. The next two are my two newest, sold...
I am wondering whether this fish is male or female. They are around an inch in length, and I believe I've seen them colour yellow at points; however, I don't have an image of this.
They have a faint black line through her tail fin; however, they also have black on their ventral fin. On their...
Hey there everyone.
About a month ago I purchased two young apistogramma cacatuoides from a LFS. I was told that the larger, more colorful one was the male and the smaller one with the yellow belly was the female.
Now, I’m beginning to question if this is true. I believe I may have two males...
I picked up two Panduro from my LFS today. I specifically asked for one male and one female, and was assured that this was a pair.
Can anyone confirm that I got one of each? I’m woefully bad with sizes, but I don’t think they’re fully grown yet.
Hey all - this is my female Borelli Opal. I’ve had her for over a year now and for the longest time thought she was male due to her coloration. Was quite surprised when she spawned!
I’m wondering if anyone else has seen a Borelli female like her? I’ve search all over the web and haven’t found...
Hi all,
Yesterday I bought my first German blue rams. Before I went to the store I have read a lot about sexing gbr. In the first fish store I was yesterday it was obvious that they were all female so I went to another because I want a male and female. According to the fish store they...
TLDR: I would like to know the sex of these three for sure and what this tail flick/ biting behavior is. Is it territorial fighting or mating behavior?
I should say from the start that this is my first go at apistos but I have housed other cichlids, as well as all the 'starter' fish...