I’m expecting a pair of apistogramma agassizi fire gold reds to arrive tomorrow, and I had an issue over the weekend when I noticed I was losing fish after treating one fish for a fungal infection. To my devastation I ended up losing a number of fish and noted the nitrate levels were high the fungal treatment was past expiry which is a likely contributing factor. I have been cycling my tank every second day since to try and correct the water quality and save my remaining fish which are now more active as they used to be which is a good sign. However after again changing out 50% of the tank this afternoon and testing the water quality tonight, while Ammonia levels are 0ppm, the Nitrite is 0.25ppm and Nitrate is 5.0ppm using the API Freshwater Master kit. I had ordered a Nitrite/Nitrate filter pad to add to the filter (to see if that would help) and was thinking of adding some API Quick Start which is supposed to add nitrifying bacteria which is supposed to help for instant addition of fish, as it immediately starts the natural aquarium cycle with beneficial bacteria.
Every water change I use Seachem Prime and the API Stress Zyme+. Any thoughts for safe addition of my new Apistos? Unfortunately I don’t have anothe tank to put them in for a couple of days.
Every water change I use Seachem Prime and the API Stress Zyme+. Any thoughts for safe addition of my new Apistos? Unfortunately I don’t have anothe tank to put them in for a couple of days.