Today I had to euthanize a male A. eremnopyge that was really sick. It started around two weeks ago, when I noticed he couldn't close his mouth properly. Below his chin (not sure if that's the correct word for it) I could see two small pieces of skin sticking out. He seemed to be doing ok otherwise until he spawned with the female and she chased him into a corner. I took him out and his chin now looked pinkish and therefore I separated him. After that it only got worse, I treated him with a broad medicine since I didn't know what exactly caused his illness and today I found that the spot in his chin had become and open wound, there was fungus growing on the other side of his head, his scales were standing out and he had stringy white mucous-like poo. I therefore immediately euthanized him.
At first I thought that it was just a damage to the skin but do the symptoms match any parasitic or bacterial infection?
At first I thought that it was just a damage to the skin but do the symptoms match any parasitic or bacterial infection?