Hi all, I could use some help with a sick Cory who was living in my 20g long community tank with 5 other Cory sterbai, 7 rummynose tetra, and an orange flash apisto male. He showed up one day with some damaged fins - he has always been the “odd man out” in that shoal, and is a little bit misshapen. The fins did not heal over time and I started to notice a rough patch on his side. The other thing that is interesting is that he has a rosier color under his gills than the other Cory. I’ve moved him to a small quarantine tank and tried a few treatments. I fed him bloodworms with kanaplex and metroplex bonded for 2 weeks (thesis - fungal infection or bacterial infection). No obvious change. Next I tried a week of formalin / malachite green (rid-ich product, thesis - fungal infection). No obvious change. At this point I’m thinking I just add a catappa leaf and keep the water pristine and hope for improvement, unless someone has another idea. I’ve attached a pic - the brown thread is a bloodworm (he’s still eating enthusiastically). Water parameters are good / stable (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10-20 ppm nitrate, ph 7ish, hardness 150 ppm, temp 78F).