You know this but the op might not - while kribs are african fishes; they come from west africa rivers and are a soft water fish (very soft in nature - and some related species require blackwater conditions - that is extremely pure water; though most species of Pelvicachromis are adaptable; don't confuse these with rift lake cichilds which are hard water fishes. Don't mix your kribs with your yellow labs even if they are compatible with regards to aggression as they are not compatible with regards to water requirements. Most loaches are soft water fishes.Because they are supposedly the most peaceful Malawis. "Peacock" is a type of Malawi cichlid aswell, genus Aulonocara, there are about 15 recognized species and a dozen manmade hybrids. Having kept rift lake cichlids for a decade, keep your lake cichlids among their own and nothing else with them.
Pelvicachromis (you call them kribs) are also african btw.