I'd stick with 2 angels and be happy; while young lots of angels are really nice but once they reach maturity you will end up with issues depending on sexes. Also if you have m/f angel the territory requirement during breeding cycle and be anywhere between 6 inches and 4 feet depending on specific fish behavior. I've had extremely good mothers who can raise free swimming fry in a community tank and only require a small area around her brood; but have also had others that try to claim the entire aquairum. If you have 2 males they might bicker a little to see who is 'boss' but won't do serious damage - 2 f all sort of things can happen. The issue is more problematic as you add more angels. You really need a min of a 6 foot aquarium for a group of angels so pairs that form have some space of their own - otherwise keeping them in a group can be 'fun'.