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One small water change every day, an "air stone", infusoria several times a day until they'll take newly hatched BBS, and you'll probably end up with 60+!
Let's hope so. Only in a small take away plastic tub at the moment though. Been using a turkey baster to do daily water changes. Am considering putting them in a breeding net in the main tank.
Re-homed them now. Hope this works. I had a sponge filter but it's too big for the 10litre tank so dug out an old airstone. Got to keep it in the cupboard under my big tank so rigged up a low wattage bulb too. Seem some semi-shoaling already.
The other day I noticed one of my amazon sword leaves partly emersed so I pulled it out completely to expose it to the air. This morning I was wondering whether the splash tetras would lay on it or not.
Tonight I took this photo (top leaf).
I have two 4ft T5 fluorescent tubes and two led floodlamps (Iforget the wattage). They're set so the right hand flood comes on, followed by one tube, then the other, then the lefthand flood, then the right goes off, followed by tubes and then left.
What a great read so far.. i have just got some copella callolepis (-Tom was kind enough to correct me on the species naming)..
i have seen a bit of sparring between a few of them, so i hope that when i learn more about them, i too can tell of my experience in breeding them.
It was floating and a bit wedged into place near the surface. They spawn on the upper side of surfaces less than 1cm below the water level: this has included bogwood, glass ledge where I overfilled so water was about half a cm above the ledge, floating dried leaves (just below the surface), Hydrocotyle leucocephala leaves, Epipremnum (submerged) leaves, Indian fern leaves and floating plant pot trays with holes in the sides.
an hour or so ago i witnessed what i think was spawning behaviour, though i don't see any eggs..
is it normal for splash tetras to some sort of foreplay or so, before going into the real deal?
if i get eggs this close to the surface (-the sword leaf is just below the surface and leaning up against the front glass, so i got to see all the action), what do i do about water changes? -do they tolerate to get out of the water for whatever brief period it takes to change water?
-so what do you guys think? -could this be a spawn?
do c. callolepis loose the black band when in the mood?
ps. sorry for the crappy pictures.. -i blame my phone.
It certainly looks like pre-spawning behaviour. When they spawn, the male and female will move side by side, making almost an 's' shape with their bodies.
Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully