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Hi there, have you ever been succesfull in sourcing Hemichromis cerasogaster? I'm looking for them in Europe... perhaps you can point me in the right direction in Europe or the USA? Thnx, Mattias / The Netherlands
Wanted all to know how pleased I am with my group of T. Kribensis..Read a bad revue six months ago but finally ignored it and went with Mr. Judy..could not be more pleased..though smallish, one pair is very obvious with body shaking and coloration..hope to have young in couple months or sooner,..little beauties! Thanks Ted!.
Haha, sounds good, I'll definitely be trying to make it down, I've actually never been down there personally, seems like a cool place though, so I'm certainly interested. Hopefully in that case I'll see you in August!
Hey I saw on your blog that you'll be in Cincinnati, OH for a speaking! I live less than an hour north of Cinci and was thinking it'd be pretty awesome to meet you while you're in the area, do you know if there will be anything else going on at the Aquarium Club that day other than you speaking?
I have a young pair of cristatus that I will hold for you. If you want several fry I will need to spawn a pair and save some fry. I have another spawn of the Chromidotilapia melaniae, so when the weather breaks I will send you some of those too. I would like to get them out to people who will work with them and keep them long term.
I am interested in picking up some of your h. cristatus to infuse some new blood into the ones that I got from Jeff. Also would interested in seeing what else you will be making available when the weather breaks.
Shortly after I joined, I requested a price list from Rehoboth Aquatics. The owner said I could not order directly from him but had to order from a local fish store in Austin that he supplies. As you probably know, getting a special order put in by a local firm is frequently problematic and you have to wait before they put in one of their regular orders. Seeing as Rehoboth is one of the sponsors, does this rule apply to members of apisto.com? I'm not sure if I mentioned that I was a member in my e-mail. Please advise.
Weird... we are having other problems with the program as well. Try changing your password and see if resetting it in the forum makes a difference. You can always change it back again.