I just put the eggs in a separate tub and hatch them.not me (-never seen them in the trade), but i did buy a new batch of c. nattereri, which have layed egg a couple of times now.
i still need to figure out the next step. hatching.
I haven't seen mine spawn again since just after I got them. Think I need to re-vamp the tank a little to go with your re-vamped thread.Re-vamping this thread again.
My c. Nattereri (labelled c. Nigrofasciatus on the wholesale list), spawns and lay eggs almost every week now. So it’s about time to learn how to breed them.
I haven’t seen any fry swimming in the tank so far.
I have started to add some infusoria close to the eggs around one day after they are laid.
Next up is putting them in a breeding box.
Should i try to keep the eggs+leaf at the same distance to water edge as they are laid at?
They look completely fine. They're colourless and can be very difficult to spot if there's only a few. 24-72 hours in a tub and you should have wrigglers. You'll need to feed infusoria/paramecium for a while before they're big enough to eat BBS. Some will probably fungus, but I wouldn't worry too much and just look out for completely translucent fry darting/wriggling on the leaf/tub base when you shine a torch on them. They will be absorbing their yolk.Should the eggs have more color to be viable? “Mine” are more or less clear.
This is the result of the act, shown in the previous pictures.
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