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Breeding splash tetras....


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Did anyone ever have any joy with breeding Copella vilmae?


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5 Year Member
not me (-never seen them in the trade), but i did buy a new batch of c. nattereri, which have layed egg a couple of times now.
i still need to figure out the next step. hatching.



Active Member
5 Year Member
not me (-never seen them in the trade), but i did buy a new batch of c. nattereri, which have layed egg a couple of times now.
i still need to figure out the next step. hatching.

I just put the eggs in a separate tub and hatch them.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Re-vamping this thread again.
My c. Nattereri (labelled c. Nigrofasciatus on the wholesale list), spawns and lay eggs almost every week now. So it’s about time to learn how to breed them.
I haven’t seen any fry swimming in the tank so far.
I have started to add some infusoria close to the eggs around one day after they are laid.
Next up is putting them in a breeding box.
Should i try to keep the eggs+leaf at the same distance to water edge as they are laid at?



Active Member
5 Year Member
Re-vamping this thread again.
My c. Nattereri (labelled c. Nigrofasciatus on the wholesale list), spawns and lay eggs almost every week now. So it’s about time to learn how to breed them.
I haven’t seen any fry swimming in the tank so far.
I have started to add some infusoria close to the eggs around one day after they are laid.
Next up is putting them in a breeding box.
Should i try to keep the eggs+leaf at the same distance to water edge as they are laid at?

I haven't seen mine spawn again since just after I got them. Think I need to re-vamp the tank a little to go with your re-vamped thread.


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5 Year Member
Today i found a small batch of eggs on a nymphea leaf, which i have moved into a small plastic container.
-and just as i was about to document it, this happend




Active Member
5 Year Member
Should the eggs have more color to be viable? “Mine” are more or less clear.
This is the result of the act, shown in the previous pictures.
View attachment 12624
They look completely fine. They're colourless and can be very difficult to spot if there's only a few. 24-72 hours in a tub and you should have wrigglers. You'll need to feed infusoria/paramecium for a while before they're big enough to eat BBS. Some will probably fungus, but I wouldn't worry too much and just look out for completely translucent fry darting/wriggling on the leaf/tub base when you shine a torch on them. They will be absorbing their yolk.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Thanks a lot. That’s great to hear.
Tomorrow i’ll add the other leaf, so i’ll have a better chance of getting fry.



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Small question… should i try and rehome the little ones in a small tank with an airstone/small filter or is it better to leave them for a while in this tub and perhaps add the airstone here?
I did add small holes in the tub with a needle but i fear the water still gets faul without any real circulation..
Any thoughts?

Here is a few pictures of the tub as is.
And some of the 1-1,5mm. Long babies.




Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Here is my first and so far only fry (around 1cm in length).
Last time i tried to seperate eggs, they sadly got fungi.
I think it had something to do with the angle i placed the leaf in breeding box and not getting enough waterflow.
Better luck next time. They still lay eggs regularely.

(-sorry, for the poor picture quality)



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Thanks a lot Tom!

Ps.. that’s my mayacara fluvitalis (not sure i spelled the last part correct). Just remembered your plant thread.



Active Member
5 Year Member
Looks good. I've had mixed luck with raising fry in this genus. Sometimes I'll have loads and then they'll die off, other times I'll have loads and they'll be fine. Sometimes I just have a few fry, or find them in the parents' tank amongst floating plants.
The best luck I had with C. arnoldi was when I was going away for 5 days. I placed eggs in a small tank with a sponge filter, placed quite a bit of leaf litter in and some Paramecium and left them whilst I went away. I raised about 80 fry from this I think. They seem to do better when the eggs are placed straight into a tank that they'll be raised in for a month or two, as long as there's enough small food to go around when feeding them. That was my idea behind adding the leaf litter. Currently I have fry and eggs going into a 25l white water conatiner that I cut the top off when it broke. Not sure exactly how many fry are in there, but there's certainly a few.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
That sounds great.
I have done another try with a small breeding box, an airstone and some floaters and a bit of leaflitter. So far i have counted 5-6, tiny fry.


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Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
Thank you.
I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
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Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
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Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully