Hi all, I know this is a popular topic, however I am after some assistance in determining traits that differentiate me tween male and female Apistogramma Cacatuoides orange flash. I think I have narrowed it down to a few things but please tell me if I am wrong on anything or I am missing anything. So the traits I believe indicate female are a dark black spot on the chin, dark black colouration on the first few spines of the pelvic and dorsal fins, a more rounded tail fin without the points at top and bottom as pictured. I know a lot of people will add to this list the yellowing of the whole body but I have had sub males show yellow colouration at times with less intense/more of a blue black colour of the dorsal and pelvic fins. I would appreciate as much help as I can get as this is my first batch of fry that I am close to thinking needs moving on.