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  1. D

    Can I use Lava Rock as a breeding cave?

    Hello everyone, I’ve been using this site a lot recently for research on apisto care, tank setup, etc. However, I have a pretty unique question that I can’t seem to find the exact answer to. Has anyone ever used a lava rock cave to breed apisto cacatuoides? Or if not, do you think I could? I...
  2. T

    Pair Bonding Species

    Hey guys, I have kept a few species of apistogramma now and have experienced what I have seen on the forum described as more polygamous type behavior (i.e. the male is somewhat aggressive towards a female if she is not ready to spawn). But I have seen it mentioned that there are more monogamous...
  3. TCMontium

    Mouth-brooding period for A. megastoma

    Hi, I have an Apistogramma megastoma female that has laid eggs sometime on 20th-21st of September and has been mouth-brooding for the last 3-4 days. Doesn't seem like she'll release them today either. I didn't expect her to be holding them for so many days since people noted that they did not...
  4. W

    3 sets of wigglers (Cacatuoides) at same time- can I combine them with one monher to let her raise them all?

    I have a few community tanks and a couple of much smaller tanks where I've been very successful in letting the mothers raise up their young. When I see a female being super aggressive, defending her cave I check for eggs-- or wigglers then at night I reach in cover the cave hole with my hand...
  5. A

    Unexpected fry from A. agassizii

    As stated in the title my A. Agassizii pair spawned a little earlier than planned. At the moment the only tank I have to move anything to is a 10 gallon. I'm wondering if my best course of action is to move the male and female out of their 20 gallon when the fry mature a little? So far there's...
  6. U

    My first potential spawn

    Hello all, my pair of a. hongsloi that I posted for sexing seem to have spawned, my female has been guarding her cave and keeping the pencil fish from getting close for the past 2 days. After I saw the male enter the cave for a period of time he has been keeping his distance for the most part...
  7. C

    Best killilfish for a breeding apistogramma d18 pair

    Hi. I have a 29 gallon for a pair of apistogramma d18 i wanna breed. They get up to 3.5 inch as far as i know. I love how killifish looks. Is it possible for me to keep any kinds of killifish in my aquarium where i want my apitos to breed and raise fry without being in danger? If then what kind...
  8. D

    Assistance in determining males from females please

    Hi all, I know this is a popular topic, however I am after some assistance in determining traits that differentiate me tween male and female Apistogramma Cacatuoides orange flash. I think I have narrowed it down to a few things but please tell me if I am wrong on anything or I am missing...
  9. R

    Apistogramma Macmasteri pair, no breeding behavior?

    A few weeks ago I purchased an attempted macmasteri pair (gold form) from an online site, but to my knowledge I don't think im seeing any breeding behavior? They do 'hang out' and swim around each other often, but I don't see behavior that I have seen in the past from other apistos (female...
  10. P

    Apisto Cacatuoides Triple Red - General Breeding conversation

    Hi all - So this is just a general conversation thread, just looking for any general comments. I've read through a lot of the threads, and seen much of the basic info (ie the bigger the tank the better, separate the male after breeding, etc). I am located in Chicago, Illinois Background - 20...
  11. Memeboi

    Breeding Apistos, Questions.

    I have a few questions about breeding Apistos, more specifically about rasing the Fry. When Do Apistogramma Borellii Fry become large enough to Eat BBS (ideally frozen BBS) How fast does A.Borellii Grow. What tank mates are fry safe and compatible with hard water, Philidelphia water is...
  12. Z

    35gal, long, community or breeding

    Getting two new 35gallon longs, around 3 foot, 140 ish litres. What would people say would be their favourite sort of fish or things to do with such tank? Community, breeding, crab? I'm thinking about possibly doing a skittish community including scarlet badis, sparkling gourami and the...
  13. M

    Keyhole cichlid unfertile eggs

    Hello, i have a keyhole cichlid couple in a 55g tank with 12 ember tetras, 6 hatchet fish and a male nannacara anomala. My keyhole cichlids been breeding every 2 weeks for like 3 months but the eggs turn all white after 2 days and they end up eating them, are the eggs not being fertilized or its...
  14. R

    Crossing fire red

    Hi, first post here, and I’m wondering if anyone has the experience that could help answer my question. I have a male double red Agassizii who’s paired up with two female fire red. They haven’t spawned successfully yet. I was wondering if they do, are there any potential issues with this...
  15. A

    Breeding signs

    Hi guys, I think my female has chosen a cave, she’s built a mound of sand in front of it so only she can get in and nipping any fish that gets close. She’s also doing this weird shimmying dance in front of the male trying to lure him towards her cave. Will she have laid the eggs and wanting the...
  16. R

    Apisto Macmasteri Breeding in 30g Community Tank

    Hello all, I recently got a macmasteri pair that I placed in my 30g community tank. The tank currently houses: CPDs Kubotai Rasboras Rosy Loaches Gertrude Spotted Rainbow fish Would the pair be able to successfuly breed/raise fry in this tank with the other fish in this tank? Or would the...
  17. M

    Apisto cacatouides breeding pair issues

    So I have a pair of apistogramma cacatouides double red. The female is a pale yellow almost tan some black spots but nice colored fins. Since I’ve had them (6 monthsish) they haven’t really showed any signs of spawning. Been feeding frozen bbs, regular brine, frozen blood worms, live black worms...
  18. ApistoHongsloi

    How do these 3 month old Macmasteri Redneck look?

    These were born on November 2nd, 2021. They're basically exactly 3 months old. There's currently about 30 in a 20 long. I do multiple feedings a day along with daily 25% water changes. This is my first time breeding macmasteri. Do they look good for their age? They range from about 1.75-2.25 cm.
  19. fyrefish

    Help! A. Panduro Male being aggressive towards female

    I have a pair of two a. panduro, and in the last day the male has become very aggressive. He has had a really perky dorsal fin, bright colours, and is chasing the female constantly. When this first occurred, the female seemed to have brighter colours too, but now they have become dimmer. The...
  20. L

    Not sure what they are doing

    TLDR: I would like to know the sex of these three for sure and what this tail flick/ biting behavior is. Is it territorial fighting or mating behavior? Background I should say from the start that this is my first go at apistos but I have housed other cichlids, as well as all the 'starter' fish...