I have a few community tanks and a couple of much smaller tanks where I've been very successful in letting the mothers raise up their young. When I see a female being super aggressive, defending her cave I check for eggs-- or wigglers then at night I reach in cover the cave hole with my hand and carefully and move her and the clutch to the smaller tank - alone -so she can peacefully raise up her fry. I currently have hmm.... at least 40 - 4-month-old Aggz- Red Back -Tefe that I'll need to re-home soon if anyone in the SF Bay area is interested.- I'm attaching a photo
My problem is this time I have 3 females with wigglers in their respective caves..... (all fathered from the same big male) in a community tank (filled with lots of young GBR's and female betta etc - growing out from other breeding cycles) - the respective mothers are tirelessly chasing everyone away. I moved one female and her wiggelrs into the little tank last night but I don't think it will work to have the 3 females with their respective fry in this little tank. I was thinking of just combining all the fry in with the the one female-wiggler combo I already moved. Question: Do you think she will raise all of them including the ones from the other females ( they are all about the same size.... maybe one clutch is 2 days ahead- but none are free swimming yet, or will she eat the other females young?
My problem is this time I have 3 females with wigglers in their respective caves..... (all fathered from the same big male) in a community tank (filled with lots of young GBR's and female betta etc - growing out from other breeding cycles) - the respective mothers are tirelessly chasing everyone away. I moved one female and her wiggelrs into the little tank last night but I don't think it will work to have the 3 females with their respective fry in this little tank. I was thinking of just combining all the fry in with the the one female-wiggler combo I already moved. Question: Do you think she will raise all of them including the ones from the other females ( they are all about the same size.... maybe one clutch is 2 days ahead- but none are free swimming yet, or will she eat the other females young?