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Advantages if dwarf cichlid pairs?


New Member
So I am cycling my 37 gallon aquarium. I was wondering if it is better to have a pair of rams or trio of apistogrammas, or 1 ram and 1 apisto. Heres my desired stock
1 apistogramma agassazi double red
1 German blue ram
1 angelfish
6 rumynose tetras
6 skirt tetras(3 black 3 white)
6 panda Cory's OR another bottom feeder(suggustions?)
2 pearl gouramis
3 swordtails
5 fancy guppies
So I'm not planning in all of theese. The liveberrers are just things I like, but I'm ok without them.
So would u be ok with this stock without the swordtail and guppies. But I possible I like the guppies.
But also, would having only apistos or ram be better? Could the fry live?

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
I see no problem with this community. Once the angel gets some size it might consider smaller guppy males as food, however. One of each dwarf cichlid should be fine, too. Just make sure that the tank is adequately decorated to have territorial boundaries.


New Member
So the whole list I had, works? Even live bearers? I have 3 cichlid stones, 2 dw pieces, 3 large fake plants, and lava tools forming a cave

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Yes, none of the fish listed are especially aggressive. The angelfish would probably cause the most problems once it reaches full size. Your tank decor seems a bit sparse to me. I would definitely add more structure.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Your fish population is a bit "heavy", but it should be OK if your feeding and water maintenance are good. Just don't add all of the fish at once or you'll overload you filtration. I'd start with one group of the tetra and cory species. The last fish I'd add are the cichlids. Add the Ram and apisto at the same time and finally the angelfish. Good luck.


New Member
Ok, so here's what I'm planning.
Day after cycle
6 rumynose and 6 Cory's
Next week
6 skirt tetras, 2 pearl gouramis, 5 guppies
Next week
1 male swordtail, apisto, and ram
A few weeks later
Baby angel
So I might skip the guppies, as bi want the ones with te big fancy tails and they may not be for my tank. By I still want a top dwelling fish
Mabye harqualins?

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
If it were my tank, I would put more than a week between additions of new fish to a new tank. If you take it slower you'll have a better chance at not losing any to water problems. Patience is best.


New Member
I've cut down my stock alot.
8 rumynose tetras
3 male guppies
2 German blue rams
1 pearl gourami or 1 angel
6 Cory's or 4 yoyo loaches
1 bn pleco
How's that sound? And is it fully stocked


Yeppoon, Queensland, Aus
Hmmm, i suppose this could work. sounds a bit heavily stocked to me. In my general experience, stuffing as many species as you can in a tank, usually doesnt end well, thats why we like lots of tanks!! haha

May i suggest? :

8 Rummy Nose, or other small tetra
A pair/trio of Rams OR Apisto,
4 Cory's
1 bn Pleco

With this stocking i think you would find water maintenance easier, so less risk of harming your fish. All these species like plants in their tank, and they are not hard to cultivate. Some hardier cryptocorne, anubias or val species with java fern and moss is quite nice, and play a good role in the nitrogen cycle
All you really need is deep enough gravel, regular lighting and appropriate doses of liquid fertiliser to help them along.
Anubias, and ferns and moses can be attached to wood and stone aswell....


New Member
Hmmm, i suppose this could work. sounds a bit heavily stocked to me. In my general experience, stuffing as many species as you can in a tank, usually doesnt end well, thats why we like lots of tanks!! haha

May i suggest? :

8 Rummy Nose, or other small tetra
A pair/trio of Rams OR Apisto,
4 Cory's
1 bn Pleco


THAT sounds way more reasonable to me and I would second that proposal. A 140 Liter tank is small and should not be overstocked. Additionally it depends a lot on the structure as Mike already mentioned.

I don't know that Pleco (I am a scientific name kind of guy) but all real Plecos get rather big. if you substitute that with Otocinlcus or Hypoptopoma or similar dwarf species it would look much nicer and you can add more species to observe the interaction.

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