Hello Everyone, I'm new to this forum and thankful to have a forum to further my dream of setting up my "Dream Retirement Tank". My name is Jean-Guy and reside just outside the city of Winnipeg located in the province of Manitoba in Canada. I've been out of the aquarium hobby for 40+ years.
My first thoughts of a tank were that of a saltwater reef, but became too cost prohibitive. So I steered to a more manageable South American themed tank, with Wild Discus being the main focus. Again, the cost of each fish started to add up to some serious dollars, let alone the maintenance these fish require. Not to say no tank doesn't requires any maintenance.
I've come to the conclusion that my tank will be a well planted CO2 "Community Tank" with rocks, caves and driftwood. While researching, Apistogrammas have peaked my interest for their behaviours and colour patterns.
My tank is 907 L (243cm X 60cm X 60cm), I also have a 295 L sump (122cm X 60cm x 40cm) for a total water volume of 950 L after interior sump height and water displacement has been factored.
My Fish Wish List would go something like this:
(20) Cardinal Tetras
(20) Red Rummynose Tetras
(20) Harlequin Rasboras
(10) Marbled Hatchetfish
(10) Red Pencilfish
(8) Roseline Sharks
(6) Angelfish
(2) Dwarf Gouramis
(2) Blue Ram Cichlids
(3) Clown Loaches
(3) Zebra Plecos
(6) Orange Laser Corys
(4) Pictus Catfish
(8) Otos
(?) Agassizi
(?) Baenschi
(?) Macmasteri
Your thoughts on this list, with your exclusions if any, and any inclusions you might feel are a better fit. Have I overdone it?
Thank you for your time.
My first thoughts of a tank were that of a saltwater reef, but became too cost prohibitive. So I steered to a more manageable South American themed tank, with Wild Discus being the main focus. Again, the cost of each fish started to add up to some serious dollars, let alone the maintenance these fish require. Not to say no tank doesn't requires any maintenance.
I've come to the conclusion that my tank will be a well planted CO2 "Community Tank" with rocks, caves and driftwood. While researching, Apistogrammas have peaked my interest for their behaviours and colour patterns.
My tank is 907 L (243cm X 60cm X 60cm), I also have a 295 L sump (122cm X 60cm x 40cm) for a total water volume of 950 L after interior sump height and water displacement has been factored.
My Fish Wish List would go something like this:
(20) Cardinal Tetras
(20) Red Rummynose Tetras
(20) Harlequin Rasboras
(10) Marbled Hatchetfish
(10) Red Pencilfish
(8) Roseline Sharks
(6) Angelfish
(2) Dwarf Gouramis
(2) Blue Ram Cichlids
(3) Clown Loaches
(3) Zebra Plecos
(6) Orange Laser Corys
(4) Pictus Catfish
(8) Otos
(?) Agassizi
(?) Baenschi
(?) Macmasteri
Your thoughts on this list, with your exclusions if any, and any inclusions you might feel are a better fit. Have I overdone it?
Thank you for your time.