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Apistogramma & Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi in 75G Together


New Member
- Replacing the pleco you could choose small Loricarids of the twig or lizard groups e.g. Rhineloricaria. Also possible: Otothyropsis or Parotocinclus haroldoi. But not Otocinclus proper. (Because of the temperature.)
The more time I've had to think about it, I've decided to replace the Kuhli and try to stock only South American species.

Would I be overstocking the 75g long with the following?
x2 Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish
x3 Apisto. Ortegai (males)
x20 Red Beckford's Pencilfish
x20 Red Eye Tetra


Well-Known Member
Bioload would be fine, but the space requirements may be a bit overstretched. I'd reduvce the tetras and pencilfish to 10. You can always stock up, but removal is just stress.


New Member
Bioload would be fine, but the space requirements may be a bit overstretched. I'd reduvce the tetras and pencilfish to 10. You can always stock up, but removal is just stress.
that's very reasonable, i'll start small and avoid myself the hassle of having to deal with too many fish at once. thank you.


Well-Known Member
I'd add them in batches with 1-2 weeks in between anyway.
Except the Apistogramma, they have to be added at once.


New Member
Mac means, "except the Apistogramma, they have to be added all at one time", but not as the first fish in the tank. (The curse of English as a second language. A native speaker knows what he meant but it can be confusing if translated into another language.)
english can be silly.

i'll be following my stocking plan with adding the 3 male apisto all together at the same time. i was planning to have the apistos be the last fish that go in the tank and only after the other fish have had a few weeks in the tank and have not shown any issues. i'll also have a 25g set up with a divider in case anyone has to be removed.

going to start with
x10 red eye tetra
x10 beckford pencilfish
x2 red lizard whiptail

then after a few weeks pass and i've found some locally, i'll get the 3 male apistogramma and introduce them.
if i were to introduce the 3 male apistos before introducing the other fish to the tank i was worried there would be potential for extra aggression against the newcomers. or is that not the case?
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Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully
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Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
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Where are you located?
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