Love the look! What’s the silver wand on the surface?Welcome to the dry season.
Stocking: 1,0 Apistogramma hongsloi, 3 Paracheirodon axelrodi
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View attachment 10029
I hope so, just one problem with the temperatures. Those should be higher in the dry season and lower in the wet season.Winter dry season and summer wet season is very much in keeping with actual seasonality patterns. Should work nicely.
I got the first pieces from a friend that keeps them in a tank with CO2, so they had some advantage. I guess the many leaves that reach to the surface are giving it still the advantage of using atmospheric CO2. Plus being just anchored on the wood and otherwise floating in the light.I'm impressed with the Hydrocotyle growth. This literally grows as a rampant weed in my yard and flower beds. Cannot get it to take hold in tanks.
If I kept native european species (especially differend species of carps and cyprinids) I would need a cooler for winter to give them the necessary low temperatures.Not 100% sure about apisto but some fishes require the warm/cold season for health reason....