So I have all most finished my setup for my three foot cube tang tank.
I want a community tank but was sticking with,
- Brevis
- julidochromis transcriptus "Gombi"
But the third option I am unsure of.
I was looking into Paracyprichromis nigripinnis But I am unsure I want them in my tank.
I was looking for a schooling fish but now I just want something interesting.
I want to know what other options are out there.
With the two options Listed above what other fish do you guys recommend.
Of course any option would have to be researched to the max like always and also would be subject to availability in my local area.
I want a community tank but was sticking with,
- Brevis
- julidochromis transcriptus "Gombi"
But the third option I am unsure of.
I was looking into Paracyprichromis nigripinnis But I am unsure I want them in my tank.
I was looking for a schooling fish but now I just want something interesting.
I want to know what other options are out there.
With the two options Listed above what other fish do you guys recommend.
Of course any option would have to be researched to the max like always and also would be subject to availability in my local area.