I bought 8 of this 'Morse Code' tetra's just over 2 years ago. I now have 17 or 18 , of which only 5 are old, original ones. They are kept with 2 Apisito males (flabellicauda) in a 100x40x45 cm Eheim tank, full of floating plants and little light. pH 5-6 and conductivity about 40. The fry never received any food at all as I was not aware of their existence. I just saw them a year ago when I suddenly counted more than 8, when I used a flashlight and saw smaller More codes light up. They are beautiful and don't behave like pretty much all other the characins at all. They stand with the head in the current, like brown trout and flash sideways, up or down when something seemingly edible whizzes toward or past them in the current, after which they turn back to their position again. They react voraciously at movement so it is an enigma to me how some of their fry survived.Seems like it.