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Lethargic Female Apistogramma Borelli Opal


New Member
Hello everyone,

This is my first post on this forum, and I am hoping to get some help with this situation. I have a 20 gallon planted community tank, I have 15 red ruby tetras, cherry shrimp, amanos and a pair of opal apistos in the tank. The tank was fully cycled and all the fish have been in the tank for a few weeks now. This morning I noticed that my female is incredibly pale, and laying on the bottom of the tank. All fish were acquired from my LFS that also uses the city's tap water in their tanks. I tested my water and it came back with:

Nitrite: 0ppm
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrate: 10ppm
Temp: 78F
pH: 6.6

I had been feeding Fluval Bug Bites Color Enhancing flakes, typically once a day at a very small serving size (flake is gone in about 10 - 30 seconds). Out of concern that she hadn't been eating, I fed some frozen brine shrimp today. She hasn't grown nearly as much as the male has since I got them from the store. I have not noticed any overly aggressive behavior from the male, so I don't believe that any interaction like that is the cause. I dosed the tank with The Fish Keeper, which has worked for me in the past, but this was with other fish. I attached two photos, one taken before I fed brine shrimp and one taken after. I attempted to place the shrimp near her, but I haven't seen her eat much at all.

Let me know if y'all have any ideas!


Well-Known Member
In short: This fits the phenomenon we all have experienced at one point or another. A dwarf cichlid stops eating, looses buoyancy and balance, often additionally dropsy and/or pop-eye appear and the fish is dead after 3 days to 2 weeks. It's still unknown what exactly causes it, but there is no known treatment and once it starts it's irreversable.

One of the proposed reasons is it's a stress reaction. Social stress, environmental stress... something that puts so much strain on the system, the fishes immune system breaks down.

I would put the fish down in a few days. It becomes more and more agonizing and it's obvious the fish are suffering at some point.

If you want to prevent such things in the future, optimized holding conditions, quarantine and chosing a very good source are crucial. If you want you can use the template for cases of disease and deaths and maybe we find some factors to work on before you replace the fish (which I wouldn't, you'll be very likely content with the single male and no, it won't be lonely.).



New Member
In short: This fits the phenomenon we all have experienced at one point or another. A dwarf cichlid stops eating, looses buoyancy and balance, often additionally dropsy and/or pop-eye appear and the fish is dead after 3 days to 2 weeks. It's still unknown what exactly causes it, but there is no known treatment and once it starts it's irreversable.

One of the proposed reasons is it's a stress reaction. Social stress, environmental stress... something that puts so much strain on the system, the fishes immune system breaks down.

I would put the fish down in a few days. It becomes more and more agonizing and it's obvious the fish are suffering at some point.

If you want to prevent such things in the future, optimized holding conditions, quarantine and chosing a very good source are crucial. If you want you can use the template for cases of disease and deaths and maybe we find some factors to work on before you replace the fish (which I wouldn't, you'll be very likely content with the single male and no, it won't be lonely.).

That is all too bad! It does make me sad to hear that she will most likely it make it. But to be honest this is quite an interesting phenomenon, I wonder if there is an ichthyologist out there who would be able to study this.

I'll update this thread with what ends up happening to her! Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst seems to be the way to go. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if there is an ichthyologist out there who would be able to study this.
Sadly no, there are very few ichthyologists that work with ornamental species and they have completely different interests usually. A veterinarian specialized in fish would probably be the best bet. I asked some the few we have in Germany and none of them has even heard of this. Most are specialized in Koi and aquaculture-relevant species.
But indeed, it would be really interesting and a help if somebody with the means and the knowledge would take it up to study.

Until then it's sadly always the same. I don't like to be the bearer of bad news over and over again, but somebody has to, it seems. I've seen too many people throwing the whole arsenal of possible meds at their fish, to no effect. Most often that finished the animals off. So it has come to my position to say: Wait until it becomes clear that it's the phenomenon, then euthanize to prevent the really agonizing part. Seen fishkeepers being traumatized by this.

Thanks again.
You're welcome.

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