That said all Nannostomus rather prefer temperatures around 25°C.Since you are considering an unheated aquarium, you need to also consider the temperature requirements of all of the fish in the community, not just the apisto.
That said all Nannostomus rather prefer temperatures around 25°C.Since you are considering an unheated aquarium, you need to also consider the temperature requirements of all of the fish in the community, not just the apisto.
To some. To others it's just that they make for excellent tankmates anyway and are more fun to watch their behaviour than many tetras.The primary reason to get pencil fishes is that they won't go after the frys.
I would call this claim hog wash; yes some have very interesting behavior; and the same is true for tetra and rasbora; while others are just plain boring as is the case with tetra and rasbora. Not sure where you derived that across the genus one is generically more interesting than the other.anyway and are more fun to watch their behaviour than many tetras.