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Rio Ucayali #Biotope, Perú

°Floating plants
-Salvinia minima

-Sagitaria subulata

-Apistogramma nijsseni
-Apistogramma cacatuoides








Well-Known Member
Good you camouflaged the coconuts.

-Apistogramma nijsseni
-Apistogramma cacatuoides
Please tell me those are not yet in but merely planned. I'd not combine them in the same tank. Especially not as this tank only offers the structure for one territory. Decide for one species.

What dimensions does the tank have?


Good you camouflaged the coconuts.

Please tell me those are not yet in but merely planned. I'd not combine them in the same tank. Especially not as this tank only offers the structure for one territory. Decide for one species.

What dimensions does the tank have?

Tank dimensions are 36" L x 24" W x 18" H

I put both pair for now, I am planning to remove the nijsseni. I am going to keep an eye on then. So far, the only aggeession that I have is the female A. cacatoides to the male.

Later, maybe I will add some Corydoras panda.


Well-Known Member
Tank dimensions are 36" L x 24" W x 18" H
Later, maybe I will add some Corydoras panda.
So 90cm... too small for a working combination with any Corydoras.

I put both pair for now, I am planning to remove the nijsseni. I am going to keep an eye on then. So far, the only aggeession that I have is the female A. cacatoides to the male.
Possibly going to change at some point. Remove the nijsseni rather sooner than later. (Personally I'd keep them and remove the A. cacatuoides.)


So 90cm... too small for a working combination with any Corydoras.

Possibly going to change at some point. Remove the nijsseni rather sooner than later. (Personally I'd keep them and remove the A. cacatuoides.)

What another fish can I add?

So 90cm... too small for a working combination with any Corydoras.

Possibly going to change at some point. Remove the nijsseni rather sooner than later. (Personally I'd keep them and remove the A. cacatuoides.)
I have a spare 10 gal tank, so, I am going to remove the A. cacatoides and put it their.


Well-Known Member
What another fish can I add?
I'd look out for Tetras (mainly species of Hemigrammus or Hyphessobrycon from that region) and Nannostomus. After 6 month you might also add Otocinclus (but a. quarantine! and b. make sure they are not half starved). Also other smaller Loricarids like Rhineloricaria, Loricaria and Parotocinclus would fit. Go through the species of these genera in that region and maybe you discover something you would find fitting.


I'd look out for Tetras (mainly species of Hemigrammus or Hyphessobrycon from that region) and Nannostomus. After 6 month you might also add Otocinclus (but a. quarantine! and b. make sure they are not half starved). Also other smaller Loricarids like Rhineloricaria, Loricaria and Parotocinclus would fit. Go through the species of these genera in that region and maybe you discover something you would find fitting.
Thank you for the information.


Well-Known Member
What another fish can I add?

I have a spare 10 gal tank, so, I am going to remove the A. cacatoides and put it their.
10 is way too small for cockatoo; they don't pair and during breeding cycle there will be high level of aggression between male and female; also they are large fishes. Min i would suggest is 20 long.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
You know, I never saw Sag. subulata nor any other sag in Peru. Distribution of the species seems to be restricted to the SE USA in the north to northern parts of Colombia and Venezuela in the south. That being said, it make a great substitute for grasses commonly found submerged along the banks of steams. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
You know, I never saw Sag. subulata nor any other sag in Peru. Distribution of the species seems to be restricted to the SE USA in the north to northern parts of Colombia and Venezuela in the south. That being said, it make a great substitute for grasses commonly found submerged along the banks of steams. Just saying.
Quite typical stand-in. Just as african Nymphaea lotus for South American species that are just not available in the trade.


You know, I never saw Sag. subulata nor any other sag in Peru. Distribution of the species seems to be restricted to the SE USA in the north to northern parts of Colombia and Venezuela in the south. That being said, it make a great substitute for grasses commonly found submerged along the banks of steams. Just saying.
I found that plant here
Which grass or other plant do you recommend?


Well-Known Member
How you calculate 90cm?
Frankly: I typed "36 inch in cm" into Google. One cm more or less doesn't make a difference.

If you want to know why I say it's too small: I know from experience what a brooding female Apistogramma is capable of and how easy these fish are stressed during that phase. Many people first think of the females aggression. Not the actual problem for the catfish. But a group of Corydoras ignoring warning display and territory borders, stressing out a fish that's already on edge... the female would likely burn out after comparatively few spawns. Then it would either fall ill with a disease or simply drop dead.
If the measurments were 120x50x50 or better even bigger I'd say a group of Corydoras would work as the female cichlid would be able to avoid them better.


Frankly: I typed "36 inch in cm" into Google. One cm more or less doesn't make a difference.

If you want to know why I say it's too small: I know from experience what a brooding female Apistogramma is capable of and how easy these fish are stressed during that phase. Many people first think of the females aggression. Not the actual problem for the catfish. But a group of Corydoras ignoring warning display and territory borders, stressing out a fish that's already on edge... the female would likely burn out after comparatively few spawns. Then it would either fall ill with a disease or simply drop dead.
If the measurments were 120x50x50 or better even bigger I'd say a group of Corydoras would work as the female cichlid would be able to avoid them better.
Thanks for the explanation. That was I was looking for.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Yes, that tank appears to have dwarf sag in it, but just because it says it is a true biotope doesn't mean it is accurate. Here are a couple of biotope photos from my fist trip to Peru:


A small stream ~ 21 Km south of Iquitos


A small pool in a water buffalo pasture near Pebas (Ampiyacu drainage)

Grasses yes, but no sag.

Also I never collected Neon Tetras in the Ucayali drainage. I did collect them in the Napo system, however. That doesn't mean that they don't occur in the Ucayali. It is a widespread species in the Río Amazonas of eastern Peru and Colombia, and in the Rio Solimões in Brazil, and native collectors often introduce species to the Iquitos area from locations that are hard to reach.

As for corys with breeding apistos, female apistos have been reported to pluck the eyes out of corys, the only place where corys are really vulnerable.


Yes, that tank appears to have dwarf sag in it, but just because it says it is a true biotope doesn't mean it is accurate. Here are a couple of biotope photos from my fist trip to Peru:

View attachment 13138
A small stream ~ 21 Km south of Iquitos

View attachment 13139
A small pool in a water buffalo pasture near Pebas (Ampiyacu drainage)

Grasses yes, but no sag.

Also I never collected Neon Tetras in the Ucayali drainage. I did collect them in the Napo system, however. That doesn't mean that they don't occur in the Ucayali. It is a widespread species in the Río Amazonas of eastern Peru and Colombia, and in the Rio Solimões in Brazil, and native collectors often introduce species to the Iquitos area from locations that are hard to reach.

As for corys with breeding apistos, female apistos have been reported to pluck the eyes out of corys, the only place where corys are really vulnerable.

Thank you for the information. So, for the plants what do you suggest, should I remove it? Did you know any grass that I can add to the tank?

So far I am going to leave one of the two pairs of Apistogramma to try it to reproduce them. The only adult that I have is the cacatuoides. So, maybe I left those there by them self.


Only if your approach is maximum accuracy. Otherwiese, leve it in as a stand-in, just as others have to use african Nymphaea instead of south american, as the latter are not available in the trade in Europe. It still looks the part.
So, if I leave it I still call it biotope or not? If does not matter I will leave it until I find some plant.

Check this article, I don't know if in Puerto Rico I can find any of these species. https://www.researchgate.net/public...tat_Suitability_in_South_America/figures?lo=1

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I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
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Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
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Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?