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I have a new tank


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5 Year Member
monroe, or
It was a late fathers day gift, but well worth the wait, a new 75g tank. I had to take down my 55g tiger barb and clown loach tank though.

Now what I'd like to do for the summer is make life a little simpler and combine the fish from 4 tanks, 1 pair borellii, 2 pair M. ramerizi, and 6 subadult cacs.

How's that for a mix, do I stand a chance of a fairly uneventful summer, or is this a bad choice?

When summer is over and harvest is done the real fun will start, fully planting this tank.


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5 Year Member
Gainesville, FL
That's about the mix I had in my 55. It should work fine - but any baby fish that might arise will get eaten. I had two pairs of rams and one pair of cacatuoides spawning simultaneously - and from all that, I have ONE baby cac to show for it. (Rescued with a turkey baster). The only fighting I ever saw was between the two male rams, but it was never serious.


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5 Year Member
Northeast Philly
farm41 said:
It was a late fathers day gift, but well worth the wait, a new 75g tank. I had to take down my 55g tiger barb and clown loach tank though.

Now what I'd like to do for the summer is make life a little simpler and combine the fish from 4 tanks, 1 pair borellii, 2 pair M. ramerizi, and 6 subadult cacs.

How's that for a mix, do I stand a chance of a fairly uneventful summer, or is this a bad choice?

When summer is over and harvest is done the real fun will start, fully planting this tank.

Sounds like a decent match for Apistos although the Rams require a softer water then the Borellii and Cacatuoides.
Now are you also putting in the Tiger Barbs and clown loach. I'd love to see how the Barbs get along with the Rams if the Rams should go into spawning. Out of all the dwarfs I've kept only one really tried to bite me when changing a sponge filter and it was a Ram. Funny feels like a little buzz to me but, they are tuff little fish. Good luck sounds like fun.


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5 Year Member
monroe, or
I traded the barbs and loaches back to the lfs. I kinda of went apisto crazy, no room for much else. A few SAE's, amano shrimp and a dozen otocinclus for starters. The rams are looking great, and the borellii are fantastic looking, both came out of bb 10g tanks, and I think they are really enjoying the room to stretch.


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5 Year Member
Gainesville, FL
I had a female ram attack me (er, my hand) once. I was trying to prune some of my over grown baby tears and this little fish was going nuts, biting me like crazy. I was pretty clueless about fish then (okay I'm still mostly clueless), and I just pruned away while she went at me. A hour later, when I was done messing with the tank, she and her partner spawned a few inches away from where I was trimming plants. It was my first time ever seeing fish spawn and I was very happy. But the female was dead the next day. Poor thing was probably so stressed - and my plant pruning in her breeding nest was not helpful. I should have known better and left that side of the tank alone. Rams are awesome, though.

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jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?
Josh wrote on anewbie's profile.
Longtime fish enthusiast for over 70years......keen on Apistos now. How do I post videos?
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