Hi. I am returning to the hobby after a long absence. There have been huge changes in taxonomy, technology, general aquarium philosophy, etc. Something I have noticed that I think the Apistogramma genus may benefit from- a numbering system. There is now a system of L-xxx id's for Loricarids(armored catfish) because there are so many, the people that do formal classification cannot keep up with them. There is also a less commonly used system for Corydoras using C-xxx. When i was in the hobby 20+years ago, there were over 120 species of Apistogramma with a new one waiting around every bend. Many of them have still not be officially described. It would be great to have a system like that. As an example, it would place officially described species near the top, maybe even based on the date of description. I think that would make A. agassizii A-001(I'm probably wrong about that). Further, because many species have regional color morphs, we could add an additional identifier, like A-001.a alenquer. It sounds like a lot of work to do this and I have no idea who would even take it on. I'm just thinking it would be helpful.