I currently have an Apistogramma Agassizi Double Red in a 20 gallon long heavily planted community tank with 5 Kuhli loaches, 6 cardinal tetras, and 10 celestial Pearl danios. I have a solid setup in terms of water parameters and hiding spots within the tank.
I would like to add another apistogramma to the tank if reasonable.
-Does it have to be the same exact species (Agassizi double red)?
-Can I add another male or will there be aggression issues?
-If I add a female I would have no interest in breeding them. Would that cause problems if I don’t give them the proper environment to breed but just want them to peacefully cohabit?
Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!
I would like to add another apistogramma to the tank if reasonable.
-Does it have to be the same exact species (Agassizi double red)?
-Can I add another male or will there be aggression issues?
-If I add a female I would have no interest in breeding them. Would that cause problems if I don’t give them the proper environment to breed but just want them to peacefully cohabit?
Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!