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Do I need RO? Dumb set up move...


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5 Year Member
Well having now scoured the forums and closely watched my parameters --and now that my CO2 system is up and going for awhile-- I realize that I kind of did a bone head move on tank set up. Over the two bags of Eco-Complete I impulsively added some Onyx Gravel on the surface of my substrate. I thought this wouldn't be an issue because I thought my dKH was 4º. Turns out my tap (well) water dKH is 6º (using a new test kit this time), and I believe the bit of Onyx Gravel is buffering the tank water to about 7.5 to 8 dKHº. With CO2 infusion pH is controlled to 7.

My aggies (the subject of a previously long thread) have perhaps bred: she is yellow, hanging in the cave except to come out and eat, and acting territorial. He is staying on the far side of the tank (which I hope is both big and heavily planted enough to provide him suitable space and cover).

But I think I probably need to bite the bullet and get an RO unit (not only would my water be softer, but I could then control the pH to be more in the 6.5 range or whatever with the CO2 injection).

Is this true, do I need to go partial RO?

Can I suplement water change water with store bought distilled until I bite said bullet?

I have seen Aqua-Safe, an Ebay seller highly recommended for price and quality. They seem to have three basic units: Aquarium 100 gph, Home 100 gph, and Maximus. Any thoughts on these? Our home water pressure is around 40 psi (maybe up to 50), so do I need any pressure booster. Any recommendations on set up of such a system would help too (my wife is gonna kill me with one more aquarium gadget and expense, but maybe I could tie it into a drinking water unit since she is using a pour through Brita in the kitchen that always looks skanky to me).

My tank parameters: 29 gallon, heavily planted, 110 watts PC 6700ºK 12 hours/day, CO2 dosed ~2bbs.controlled by pH controller (to a CO2 level of ~25ppm).
7.5 - 8ºdKH
7 pH controlled/CO2 dosing
NH3/NH4: 0
NH2: 0
NO3: ~0 (plants are probably using this faster than produced... may have to add some macronutrients)
Water change weekly: 30-45%, then dosing with Flourish or Flourish Iron.
Filtration: Fluval 203 canister w/ peat added, and Penguin Bio-wheel (for now, it is likey not needed).
Fish: Pair Aggies, 9 Rummy Nose Tetras, ~5 ottos, 2 SAE's, 4 Corydoras adolfoi (not wild caught), and ~7 Amano shrimp. Will possibly add 5 Corydora sterbai (still in their q-d adjustment tank) and some Cardinal Tetras.


New Member
london uk
you have enough pressure at 40-50 psi

personally with your tank , you have just 1? and your water parameters i wouldn't bother
buying occasional r/o water and using peat treated tap water you should have good enough conditions for your choosen fish

if in time you decide to have more tanks and more demanding fish then you may need or choose an r/o unit

at present though i wouldn't bother
especially if you are trying to grow plants at any rate , i am assuming you have co2 for more than just altering pH
otherwise you will be removiong all your trace element with a filter that cost you money and then buying more trace elements to put back into that water
bad for your wallet and not that good for water conservation either



New Member
5 Year Member
Thanks, Andrew. I will rest easier. I thought that the aggies might be a bit sensitive to that high a KH.

At present my only other tank is a bare-bottome 20L that I am using for quarantine, and eventually may set up. Though before we moved several years back and I had packed away the tanks (now having unpacked and set up these two) one tank mysteriously became six tanks... my wife was not amused, and I have promised to keep a close eye this time so the tanks don't reproduce themselves in the night.

Indeed, the CO2 is for plants that are thick and lush. Should I bother adding some distilled water during water changes or is this also more trouble and expense than it is worth? Oh, now I see that you recommend "buying occasional r/o water... yes? I suppose I could pick some of the Onyx gravel off the surface of the substrate (that that I can get to at least).


New Member
london uk
to some degree danny an occasional change in water parameters will help with stimulating the fish to breed

so maybe leave the water changes for a longer than usual period then do a large change with the bought distilled water and some tap (lots of people will say it is impossible to use just distilled water in tanks, not enough mineral etc , i still believe fish eat their requirement , plants maybe need minerals in water column -others will disagree, i havent any proof of my point being accurate nor have i seen any to support the other theory)
the plants wont appreciate totally pure water
the fish i believe may spawn after a change

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