a few years ago I asked about gravel or sand for apistos. Now I know that sand is the prefered substrate.
At the moment I am planning a new Walstad tank for Apistogramma borelli and want to make it right from the start. Best procedure for a Walstad tank is to take gravel as a cap with 2-4 mm grain size. For the borelli I want to change this recommendation to a smaller grain size.
I read different opinions in this forum. "Mike Wise" said in different threads that 1-2 mm worked best for him [1] [2]. In another thread "MacZ" wrote that he won't go with sand bigger than 1 mm because of possible dislocated jaws in smaller specimens or gill rake problems [3].
I want to find a way between very fine sand and coarse gravel. So the question is: Which maximum grain size (<4 mm) do borellis need so that they can still sift through the substrate without risking health issues?
Thanks a lot,
a few years ago I asked about gravel or sand for apistos. Now I know that sand is the prefered substrate.
At the moment I am planning a new Walstad tank for Apistogramma borelli and want to make it right from the start. Best procedure for a Walstad tank is to take gravel as a cap with 2-4 mm grain size. For the borelli I want to change this recommendation to a smaller grain size.
I read different opinions in this forum. "Mike Wise" said in different threads that 1-2 mm worked best for him [1] [2]. In another thread "MacZ" wrote that he won't go with sand bigger than 1 mm because of possible dislocated jaws in smaller specimens or gill rake problems [3].
I want to find a way between very fine sand and coarse gravel. So the question is: Which maximum grain size (<4 mm) do borellis need so that they can still sift through the substrate without risking health issues?
Thanks a lot,