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Stocking a 75 gallon


New Member
Hello all,

I’m new to the forum and trying to make the most educated decisions. I’ve kept a single apisto pair in a 30 gallon with tetras, but never multiple.

I’ve been gifted a 75 gallon that I’m designing. Going to be black sand substrate with rocks and driftwood for caves and cover; heavily planted. I would love for this to be community tanks, so not based on breeding. What all can I keep together? I would love lots of color and movement, but also DO NOT want a constant battle and stressed fish. I appreciate the advice!

1. 2/3 pair same species apisto
2. 1/2 pair Bolivian rams
3. 5 honey gurami OR 1/2 angel fish
4. Ditherfish… what kinds to help keep the peace? How many to school all together?
5. Bristlenose Pleco, shrimp, snails to keep the tank nice and clean? Something else?


Well-Known Member
also DO NOT want a constant battle and stressed fish.
1. 2/3 pair same species apisto
2. 1/2 pair Bolivian rams
3. 5 honey gurami OR 1/2 angel fish
Then choose one of these and forego on all the others.

I would love lots of color and movement,
4. Ditherfish… what kinds to help keep the peace? How many to school all together?
Then get a sizable group of one or maybe two different species of tetra. 20 each of a high backed species like Hyphessobrycon sweglesi and a torpedo-shaped like Paracheirodon species or Petitella sp.

5. Bristlenose Pleco, shrimp, snails to keep the tank nice and clean? Something else?
Besides the fact that the "cleanup crew" is a product of the aquarium industry to sell more fish and shrimp...
If you decide for a dwarf cichlid, do not combine them with plecos of any kind. The cichlids as strictly diurnal, the catfish tend to be rather nocturnal and can make the night become a waking horror to the cichlids.
I'd completely stay clear of anything that's sold as "cleaning crew". You will likely get some snails with plants, so that's that. Otherwise a well seasoned and balanced tank will not need any cleaning maintenance besides cleaning the front glass, cleaning the filter media if clogged and waterchanges. So rather get the tank running smoothely from the start and never ever rely on any animals to take over maintenance for you.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
If you want a community tank and no stress then do not get pairs of cichlids. You might not want them to breed, but they don't know this. Breeding any territorial fish will lead to conflict and stress with other members of the community.


New Member
If you want a community tank and no stress then do not get pairs of cichlids. You might not want them to breed, but they don't know this. Breeding any territorial fish will lead to conflict and stress with other members of the community.
Thanks so much. I’ve read in some areas to do a male to three or four females (if I can find someone to sell them to that way). Would this eliminate that stress? Would that allow me to give some other fish with them?

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
No. It will guarantee a highly stressed community. What you have heard is spreading aggression among breeding apistos, not aggression against other community members. Any breeding in a community tank will lead to aggression by the brooding female(s) against any fish with in her brood territory. Everyone who has been on this forum for any time knows my mantra: a community tank is not a breeding tank.


New Member
No. It will guarantee a highly stressed community. What you have heard is spreading aggression among breeding apistos, not aggression against other community members. Any breeding in a community tank will lead to aggression by the brooding female(s) against any fish with in her brood territory. Everyone who has been on this forum for any time knows my mantra: a community tank is not a breeding tank.
Good to know. My pair in my other tank were very docile, but didn’t breed. I have no desire to breed. Is there something I need to do to discourage breeding behavior?

Ben Rhau

Apisto Club
5 Year Member
San Francisco
Good to know. My pair in my other tank were very docile, but didn’t breed. I have no desire to breed. Is there something I need to do to discourage breeding behavior?
Depending on the species, some will not breed in hard water. However, if the water conditions are such that they're not breeding, that's not ideal for maintaining health. If you put males and females together in healthy conditions, you can't stop them from breeding. If you want to avoid that, don't keep males with females.

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roekste wrote on Josh's profile.
Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
Thank you.
I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?
Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully