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Borellii substrate question


New Member
Hi all,

I am interested in scaping a tank around a pair of borellii - for display purposes not specifically breeding- although it would be good to see and I have appropriate other tanks in case separation is required for some reason.

Whilst I would consider myself an aquascaper - I run co2, high lighting, aquasoils, rimless tanks etc, I try to build around the needs of my fish and currently have a healthy breeding pair of cacatuoides in a tank with sand foreground which I have found is definitely important for their behavior and feeding.

I am interested in building a tank for borellii - I have seen a thread on this site of a collection site in Argentina - very, very dense plants, mainly grasses, something that I believe is quite different to most other apisto habitats - link for reference; http://www.apistogramma.com/forum/i...m-natural-biotope-argentine-corrientes.14700/

I am wondering how this would impact their requirements in terms of substrates, is sand as much of a necessity for them. From the photo's I reference, I'm not sure they could even reach the substrate due to planting density.

I am thinking about creating a dense, grassy, jungle style display - along the lines of the links below, however this is something I would be cautious of doing with other species due to the aquasoil substrate without sand. https://www.adana.co.jp/en/aquajournal/creator-works-07/ and
If anyone has kept borellii and observed their behaviour, I would be interested to know whether they indeed need a sand substrate as much as other species or if it is less of a concern for them?

Many thanks.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
No, like other apistos, they don't need sand but it is definitely helpful. I won't say anything about possible breeding pairs of apistos in a community situation. It's be discussed too many times here.

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