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Apistogramma agassizi Cuipeua Spawn

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Just an FYI. Your fish are the same as A. cf. agassizii (Netz/Alenquer). These 2 towns (or town of Alenquer and Lago Cuipeua) are <10mi./16km from each other.

Second Hand Pat

New Member
Just an FYI. Your fish are the same as A. cf. agassizii (Netz/Alenquer). These 2 towns (or town of Alenquer and Lago Cuipeua) are <10mi./16km from each other.

Hi Mike, Yes I know that. I labelled them under the name they were sold under, but remember that the Alenquer region is a good sized area. I know that there are local variation in the wild discus. I have personally keep Trombeta, Cuipeua, Curai and Pacoval wild discus. Not sure if there are local variations in the apistos however.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
I see no problem using the Cuipeua location name. The agassizii-complex species found north of the main channel of the Amazon for the Rio/Lago Juanuai (lower Rio Negro) east to the Rio Jari all appear to be forms of the same species - A. cf. agassizii (Netz).

Second Hand Pat

New Member
I see no problem using the Cuipeua location name. The agassizii-complex species found north of the main channel of the Amazon for the Rio/Lago Juanuai (lower Rio Negro) east to the Rio Jari all appear to be forms of the same species - A. cf. agassizii (Netz).

Thanks Mike, I do have a male which was sold under the "Alenquer" label which is a bit different then the male of this pair. I bought the Alenquer pair a while ago and lost the female in the overflow. This is him below. I do suspect that there could be local variations in the fish.


Second Hand Pat

New Member
Moving the entire family to a much larger tank with a bit of sand and wood. Moved the male first, then the female and added the fry close to the female since she is their focal point. As soon as I added the female this happened.

I will be removing the male today so can focus on growing out the current batch. :)

Second Hand Pat

New Member
Have a question for you guys. The fry are becoming independent and I still have then on live BBS. They are about 1/2 inch now. What should they be transitioned too food wise. I can start them on a little crushed flake but I would like more food options at this stage.


Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
I feed live BBS to all my apistos almost exclusively because I'm too lazy to acclimate juveniles to dry foods. I also feed some frozen foods of suitable size from time to time.

Second Hand Pat

New Member
I feed live BBS to all my apistos almost exclusively because I'm too lazy to acclimate juveniles to dry foods. I also feed some frozen foods of suitable size from time to time.

Thanks Mike :) I would have not issue with continuing the live BBS as I am making it for my baby altums. In another three weeks or so these guys will be ready to go to new homes and I rather these guys are eating something beside BBS.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Odijk, the Netherlands
Just a question, have often do you feed your apisto's with fry? I have 1 A macmasteri fry left, it's 3.5 months old but it's the same size as your fry is at 22 days.

Second Hand Pat

New Member
Just a question, have often do you feed your apisto's with fry? I have 1 A macmasteri fry left, it's 3.5 months old but it's the same size as your fry is at 22 days.

Hi Chris, I feed the fry about two or three times a day. I'm careful about not overfeeding. The fry are with mom in a 50 gallon which is half full. The male is in a different tank as I do not want the pair spawning at this time. I also do a couple 50% water changes a week. When I raised fry when my wild discus spawned I learned two things; fry need good food and clean water. While apisto fry do not seem near as demanding as discus fry I feel that the same principles apply.


You fry grow quickly, faster than my Macmasteri.
At 1 month I start to give frozen, crushed flake, live Daphnia and mosquitoes larves and freez dried Tubiflex (works very well) and a lot of BBS.

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Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?
Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?