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West African Cichlids Species Maintenance Program


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
I think many Westies have a great possibility of becoming popular, but there is obviously roadblocks to contend with. There has been a resistance or inability to export many of these fish in recent decades. Political unrest, etc. have presented many problems for collectors. There is also a general lack of incentive for their efforts because of minimal interest in the hobby. This is not because these fish do not have great potential as aquarium fish, but because few know much about them. The aquarists that do know these fish are willing to pay an arm and a leg to get them. If more people are exposed to these wonderful fish, there will be more that want to work with them. And importers will be willing to bring them in.
Many West African Cichlids are spectacular fish. The difficulties in their collection, exportation and dissemination into the hobby can be moderated by our own efforts. If a species maintenance program were initiated and breeding of these animals was somewhat organized, many more fishkeepers would have access to information and the fish themselves. Tank-raised animals can provide a less expensive and more stable pool of fish for the hobby. All we have to do is breed them!
It seems to me that we already have a pretty good start with resources like Toyin bringing unique fish into the country, Randall (and the ASG) researching and promoting these fish, and this forum affording a place to discuss and access information about them. I hope that we can get more of these fish into the hand of more hobbyists. My experiences with them have been great. And I am just starting. I would be more than happy to participate in a Species Maintenance Program, if someone were to go beyond toying with the idea of starting one. Randall..... :D


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5 Year Member
Central Ohio
Ohhhh...that sounds like great idea, not to mention rather fun. Maybe create a picture database to go along with it. I only learned minimal German when I was in Europe (Bier, Danke!) and all the new books seem to be out of date by the time they reach the States/English speaking world. I'll offer up webspace to put everything and assist in any way I am may able to.


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
Species Maintenance Programs et al.

Dear Neil,

As far as West/Central African cichlids are concerned, I couldn't agree with you more. We share the same opinion in that many of these beautiful and facinating fish certainly have the potential to become more viable in the hobby if not for a matter of exposure and further exchange of information about them.

With the political situations of many African nations improving--albeit slowly--more new discoveries are being made and more research is being conducted, so much so that in a recent conversation with Mike Wise, Senior Techincal Editor, ASG, he commented that the current West/Central African situation reminded him of what was going on in South America some 10-15 years ago.

I and we can't thank you enough for furnishing a medium that enables us to keep abreast of recent developments and that promotes interest, as well as a free exchange of information and experience.

If all interested contributors to the African & West African Forum would post their comments and suggestions regarding a species maintenance program and include which species they think would benefit from such an endeavor, perhaps we could organize this effort and get the show on the road, as it were.

Thank you.

Randall Kohn


Hello Group.
I've finally registered, being prompted by this SPECIES MAINTENANCE PROGRAM idea. Count me in to do whatever I can.

This may not be the place to put this, and I'm sure I'll learn as I go, but I have recently found an article by Horst Linke on NANOCHROMIS KAPOU from the 11/94 TFH. If you would like a .pdf copy, please contact me.


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.


Glad to have you aboard Kevin. Maybe we can come up with a format of maintenance. We can list the Westies we have and the ones that we are most interested in working with. This is starting to show some real possibilities. So little has been discussed about these fish that for us to organize a little would be a big step toward real progress in understanding and promoting these fish.


Well Neil, I'll start then, but my names may be wrong. I can not keep up with them. We'll use Randall's talents to correct our Ids.

I have Tilapia brevimanus, Hemichromis sp. "Guinea", Chromidotilpia sp. "Mondemba or Mundemba"*, Chromidotilpia finleyi "Moliwe"**, and the current mystery fish, which some of us are waiting to ID: The Nanochromis that Zack brought in and the Nanochromis I picked up in Chicago.

BTW has anyone heard of an importer or wholesaler named ATLANTIS?.
These Chicago Nanochromis apparently came from them...wherever and whoever they are.


*Now Benitochromis ufermanni?
**Now also Benitochromis?


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
Atlantis Tropical Fish

Dear Kevin,

Atlantis Tropical Fish (http://www.cichlids.net/index.html) is located in Gardiner, New York, on Long Island. They are distributors specializing in African cichlids, both wild caught and bred in house. I'm well acquainted with them because my LFR here in New Jersey orders from them on a regular basis, and I keep some of their fish.

For more information concerning your Nanochromis sp. it might be better if we communicated privately.

Thank you.

Randall Kohn


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
kevinkorotev said:
I have Tilapia brevimanus, Hemichromis sp. "Guinea", Chromidotilpia sp. "Mondemba or Mundemba"*, Chromidotilpia finleyi "Moliwe"

Dear Kevin,

There are two undescribed Hemichromis species know as "Guinea." They go by different names but are generally known as "Guinea I" and "Guinea II." "Guinea I," also know as "Kolente-Guinea," is from the Kolente River system near the boarder of Guinea and Sierra Leone. It is essentially a drop dead gorgeous reddish-orange fish with intense blue patterning on the head and in the center each body scale. The "Guinea II" form is is basically a beige fish with some interesting brownish coloring on the upper half of the head and body. It is from nearby, but exclusively in Guinea. Which one do you have, please?

As we've discussed, Chromidotilapia sp. "Mondema" was described in 2001 as Benitochromis ufermanni. The generic name is after the Benito River in Gabon.

Chromidotilapia finleyi Moliwe was included in Lamboj's 2001 revision and is now Benitochromis nigrodorsalis, after the black patterning in the female's dorsal fin.

Let's talk further about the Nanochromis sp.


Randall Kohn


5 Year Member
North Haven, CT
I'd certainly be willing to work within a species maintainance program. i am actually working with a unique westie myself. Teleogramma brichardi.
For those of you who have never heard of it...it is a medium sized westie that lives in rapids, and because of this has a reduced swimbladder. i have found them interesting and entertaining, They swim up and take chuncks of shrimp right out of my hand. So far the only one that seems to be interested in breeding is the female. She displays and the male just chases her away. hopefully he'll come along sooner or later. Would you like to consider this species as part of the program? i have some pics i'll post if you would like.



5 Year Member
North Haven, CT
I've had them for about 2 months now and from what i hear, the fact that they haven't killed each other yet is a good sign. I have my pair in a 29 gallon tank. I decided to plant the tank, it has mostly java moss in it, with a few java ferns. It seems to work. When the male chases her, the female heads right for the java moss. i also gave them plenty of caves and she has dug her favorite one out right down to the bottom glass. She is definately in season....her pink spot practicaly glows in the dark, and she displays to him daily. It's the male that seems to be the problem. He just isn't interested at all, and just chases her away. I have been tempted to try and get some pics of her displaying, but i think i want to wait till i get a spawn first. Anyway, i'll keep you posted if anything new develops.


P.S. I did notice that they tend to be a bit jumpy. So as a precaution, I dropped the water level in the tank a couple of inches.


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5 Year Member
Omak, Washington state
First I guess I'll say hi. I'm new to the group but am not new to cichlids and "promoting" them. I will be honest in that as of this point I don't really know the definition of "dwarf" other than it refers to a smaller cichlid. Are there size limits as to what defines a dwarf cichlid? I know that most "rams" are dwarfs while Oscars and jack dempseys are not :p

Anyway, I am working with a couple of other hobbyists, one of whom has been working with the AZA to develop a working relationship between hobbyists and zoos to develop and enhance conservation and preservation efforts targeting cichlids. Feel free to visit the web site and register to participate in the forums.

Enter the forums through the web site. It appears the server has been having some problems as of late, but keep trying.



New Member
Sacramento, Ca.


Really glad to have you with us, Mark! Both the CCWG and the AZA sound very interesting and worthwhile endevours. I hope others on this forum check out what you and the others are doing.

I will be honest in that as of this point I don't really know the definition of "dwarf" other than it refers to a smaller cichlid. Are there size limits as to what defines a dwarf cichlid?

I have made my own definition of a Dwarf Cichlid that relateds to information from numerous sources and my own experience. If you are interested, you can check this article (What exactly is a Dwarf Cichlid) out:




New Member
5 Year Member
Omak, Washington state
Thanks! The article helped a lot! Figured there was more to it than just size, and that, as the article says, is a fuzzy issue at best it seems.

Thank you for the complement on the endevors! Please feel free to PM me and/or join the Cichlid Conservation forum.


I have 5

They are african but havent properly identified them yet..georgous and odd .How can i help? Will post pics soon Thanks Libby


Re: I have 5

trouble32 said:
They are african but havent properly identified them yet..georgous and odd .How can i help? Will post pics soon Thanks Libby
found it but cannot post it ,someone give me directions on posting pic


I'm halfway across the world from where most of you folks are, but I think this is a great idea too !

I am both captivated and fascinated by westies too, and am trying to promote them in my country :)
We rarely see westies being imported here though. I hope that will change with time.


Hello, Halfway across

Where ,SINGAPORE! wow..I joined a group that does cichlid research.This guys idea is to destroy all of the hybrids.Bout i also see his point he has pics of some grousam fish,and they will suffer until death.I have 3 6 in mdbuna??<and they are hybrids,,I got from an online order! they are normal.So not all hybrid need to be destroyed.I emailed a letter to him on subject to disagree with him.I am always up to help if i can.NOW tell me about Singapore..


New Member
5 Year Member
Tucson. Arizona
Randall, I'd be glad to work with you on a Westie project.

Out of my first group of P. pulcher I sold all but four. The four I retained
have both ocellated dorsals and caudals-something I plan to breed for. I hve one species of Nanachromis about to spawn and P. taeniatus, likewise.
Unfortunately I've yet to receive my Laboj book from Mike Schaedle-promised in April.

I can be reached by telephone at (520) 797-5623 and can immediately call you back as I have unlimited long distance and local. My E-mail addy
is [email protected] and my www. site, about to be reborn is
operalover.net. Here's to the Westies, dreimal Hoch. Hoch so sie leben.
Hoch, Hoch, Hoch.

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