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Thinking about starting with Apistogramma baenschi


New Member
I have reciently wanted to keep Apisto baenschi. Is this species relativly hardy? I am a newbie at fishkeeping and even though I take all care I am wary about doing the wrong thing by the fish plus this species is not that cheap here. I have not kept apistos before, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Is this fish fine to keep or are there other species that may be better for beginners? Thank you in advance for your advice.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
If you have experience with other (non-apistos) fish and have suitable water and a proper size tank, properly laid-out, then you should be fine. This species in not hard to keep and breed, but isn't one that is considered a 'beginner's' species. Breeding requirements include a well-bonded pair. Not all males will bond with all females. Often, if there are no choices, the 2 fish may fight continually or simply ignore each other. More often than not A. baenschi is less choosy than some of its fellow nijsseni-group members. Water should be soft and moderately acid. If you get a good pair and have the right water condition, this species can produce spawns of over 100 eggs. Most apistophiles usually recommend A. borellii, A. cacatuoides, and A. cf. alacrina (Rotpunkt) as good beginner's species.


New Member
Thank you for your reply Mike. It is a 62 x 52 x 39cm (5mm glass) tank with a Ph of 6.8. I currently have Harlequin Rasbora and 2 small Long-finned Bristlenose in the tank. Are these ok as tank mates or do I have to consider removing them? I have attempted to load a photo of the tank to show the set-up for points of improvement.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
IMHO, your tank is fine for a bonded pair of A. baenschi, but probably too small if they are incompatable. If more than 2 or 3 Harlequins - there should be more in a school for their wellbeing - in the aquarium, then they could pose a problem as fry predators. The Bristlenose Plecos definitely will eat any eggs/fry that they can get to. A community tank is not a good breeding tank. Where have I heard this?


New Member
me too!

I am new to this as well. I have had a not too strict amazon biotope going for a while and the last of my four year old angels died on Sunday so I need a new centerpiece fish. AqAdvisor says with my setup apistos are the best way to go. I have found a site that has A. baenschi inka 50 and I like the look of them best. I believe they stand out better in the blackwater.

I don't particularly need a breeding tank and don't really want to breed them. Is that unethical for these fish? I have kept fish for the better part of 20 years and never had an interest in breeding. Please help!

Also, AqAdvisor says the water params should be Recommended temperature range: 75.2 - 78.8 F. Recommended pH range: 5.5 - 7. Do you agree with this?


Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
First welcome to the apisto forum. Is it unethical to not breed your fish? Not in my opinion, at least for more commonly available species. I do admit that I am always saddened to see people buy extremely rare, and in high demand, species (in the hobby) and then don't try to reproduce them and share them. A. baenschi definitely isn't one of these. As for water values, the temperatures are fine, but I would try to keep the pH below 6.5 for the health of the fish.

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