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Simple Question on Apisto Aggression


New Member
5 Year Member
Long Island, NY
Hello all,
I have been waiting to try a few Apistogramma for quite some time now, but a busy schedule has prevented anything of the sort from occuring. Recently, something very out of the ordinary occured: my local fish store received one pair of A. agassizi, and was selling them for $50. The reason for this elevated price tag was that they came with a 5g all-glass aquarium and light, and this was a very very expensive pet store (Country Critters for any locals). I have kept Rams and other dwarfs in 5 gallon aquaria before, so I did not see it a problem at the time of purchase. I got home, heated up some RO/DI water to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, added some blackwater extract, "Waters of the World South American Conditioner," and Seachem's "South American Cichlid Salts." I then proceeded to tinker with the water until it exactly matched that of the residents-to-be. I hooked up a box filter with some peat ad a filter sponge absolutely soaked with Bio-Spira. I plugged in their new heater, threw in a rock, some driftwood, some java moss and peat to loosely cover the bottom, some water sprite for shade, and a large Anubias barteri as a centerpiece. No gravel. At first, everyone got along all fine and peachy. The morning afte I acquired them, they ate several bloodworms with gusto, and were quite placid towards one another. Now, the male is relentlessly chasing the female to no end! She still eats, but he quickly chases her away from any and all foodstuffs. She is currently hiding under the filter, but seems fine in all other respects. Breathing is normal, fins extended, curious, eating...

I have read that A. agassizi males will persue unready (to mate) females. I know they are harem spawners, but there is no way for me to get any more females for at least 2 more months. Must I just wait until the female is ready to spawn? Will she perish in that time?

I do have a 10g I can set up, but it has no light, which is a major drawback. At best, I could use the 5g's light over the hood of the 10, so the sides would be dark.

I suppose I went off on a bit of a tangent, but my question is this: will the amle let up? Will the male kill the female? Can i put an end to this? Is a 10g suitable for a breeding attempt of these fish involving one pair?

Thank you all in advance for your wonderfully informative answers.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
A 5 gallon tank is a bit small for a polygamous species like A. agassizii, but it is possible to breed them in such small tank. I'd suggest that you remove the male for 2 or 3 days, add a lot of additional caves, say 5 - 10 more. Let the female establish a territory (the whole tank) & learn where to hide. Only then reintroduce the male. He should be much mellower - at least for a time until he claims the entire tank as his territory. By this time the female will know all of the hiding places in the tank.


New Member
5 Year Member
Long Island, NY
I could divide the 5 gallon for a few days - how many do you suggest?

I am considering purchasing 2x65w aqualight (power compact) and a 15g tank and doing a planted apisto tank. I could have it up but plantless this sunday. I could divide the 5 until then. Sound like a plan?

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
I don't think just dividing the 5 will do the trick. The male will continue to recognize 'his' territory & then strike out from there. You are going to have to do major decor rearrangement anyway, just to make the male adjust to a new environment. Otherwise a 10 will be the minimum for a pair.


New Member
5 Year Member
Long Island, NY
So... Would they be okay in an undivided 10 for now? Same decor, same filter, same heater, same everything. Even the same light. Just a bigger tank. What do you think?

Thanks for assisting me.


New Member
5 Year Member
Long Island, NY
Well, i went to my LFS and they do not have any 15g tanks in stock. I have special ordered one for Friday,and some plants for Friday, as well. For now, the pair is in the divided 5g, and looks as if they should make it until then. I plan on putting a 24", 2x65w Power Compact Aqualight over a 15g crammed with plants and dedicating the tank just to the pair of apistos, and maybe another female aggie or two.

Sounds like a plan so far?


New Member
5 Year Member
Long Island, NY
Alright, I am setting up a 20g long tank with my 2x 65w compact flourescent fixture. I officially hate flourite. Spent over 2 hours washing all the red out of it, and I can only imagine the storm I'll have when I fill the tank, even though it ran clear. You know how it is...

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