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Need help with my tankmate ideas


Hey. I have a 60 gallon tank that is planted. Right now, I have 2x angelfish (not a pair as they are still juvenile, unsure of the sex). Around 10 cardinal tetras, and 12 rummynose tetras. I also have a female apistogramma agassizi, as her mate unfortunately passed away. Seemed to be of old age as I had them for awhile. So, I was planning on adding some more fish to the tank. Was thinking a group of sterbai corys, but what are the thoughts on 4-5 bolivian rams? Would she have a problem with them? She was aggressive towards the angelfish when the male was still around, but now she is extremely peaceful. Angelfish don't bother anyone. Appreciate the input.


Well-Known Member
The Angelfish will need a bigger tank long term or have to be rehomed when they become aggressive with adulthood (note: I said when, not if) and higher temperatures than Mikrogeophagus altispinosus. So there is a possible complication.

Otherwise... What is the footprint of the tank? Dimensions are much more helpful than volume. An how is it structured. So a picture would also be good, as it says more than a thousand words.


The Angelfish will need a bigger tank long term or have to be rehomed when they become aggressive with adulthood (note: I said when, not if) and higher temperatures than Mikrogeophagus altispinosus. So there is a possible complication.

Otherwise... What is the footprint of the tank? Dimensions are much more helpful than volume. An how is it structured. So a picture would also be good, as it says more than a thousand words.
48 in length x 13 in depth x 22 inch height. Never heard of angels needing a larger tank long term to be honest, why do you suggest that? I do have a tank if they become a pair, but if they are two females or two males, I'm not expecting a lot of issues. I keep the tank at 80-81


Well-Known Member
Never heard of angels needing a larger tank long term to be honest, why do you suggest that?
Because Pterophyllum are territorial and the tank is too small to house a sufficiently big group to compensate for that.
48 in length x 13 in depth
120x30... I have regularly seen that go haywire. A pair during spawning could be pushing the whole rest of the tank into one corner. The height can influence the height-growth (you say they are still juveniles, right?) So if you are unlucky you also may end up with them developing bent dorsal fins.
I do have a tank if they become a pair
They don't form permanent pairs. Many people think so, yet it's not unusual that one of the partners rejects the other at one point due to no apparent reason.
but if they are two females or two males, I'm not expecting a lot of issues
Two males would be likely to try and kill each other, especially as there is no other Angelfish to spread aggression to. Two females can work out, but if one of them gets ready to spawn, might push away the other one aswell. If it's a male and female and she is not willing to spawn with him it can also end up gruesome, too. And don't think the male is always the aggressor.


Well-Known Member
The Angelfish will need a bigger tank long term or have to be rehomed when they become aggressive with adulthood (note: I said when, not if) and higher temperatures than Mikrogeophagus altispinosus. So there is a possible complication.

Otherwise... What is the footprint of the tank? Dimensions are much more helpful than volume. An how is it structured. So a picture would also be good, as it says more than a thousand words.
I'm going to disagree here with regards to aggression of angels having a lot of first hand experience here. It is highly dependent on the mix of sexes of hte two angels. If they are two males or two females territorial issues is not so likely - but if two males they will bicker a lot until one becomes the alpha. If two females things are a bit unpredictable as sometime two females will pair up and behave like a bonded pair with associated aggression. As to size of area they require that will again depend on the specific pair as sometimes they can demand more than 4ft and other times they are quite content with 6 inches - it really depends on the fishes and the variance is quite high.

If it ends up being m/f again much like bonded f/f it will depend on the specific pair - they can claim the entire aquarium or be content with a small corner - you simply wont' know until they mature. Males can get quite large but females tend to be far more aggressive and aggressive in a dangerous way so there is that to consider.

I think the tank is quite full as you have it esp when the angles mature; and I think the bolivan rams with their unpredictable behavior would be a mistake. In theory you could replace the apisto that died but having a pair of apisto with the sterbai makes no sense.

In theory you could add a bottom fish like a small group of cory but the tank is rather full and not hte best shape being fairly narrow so I'm not sure i would do that. Maybe an single cat that adds a bit of behavior like an updside catfish but i'm not sure i would do that either.


New Member
Hey. I have a 60 gallon tank that is planted. Right now, I have 2x angelfish (not a pair as they are still juvenile, unsure of the sex). Around 10 cardinal tetras, and 12 rummynose tetras. I also have a female apistogramma agassizi, as her mate unfortunately passed away. Seemed to be of old age as I had them for awhile. So, I was planning on adding some more fish to the tank. Was thinking a group of sterbai corys, but what are the thoughts on 4-5 bolivian rams? Would she have a problem with them? She was aggressive towards the angelfish when the male was still around, but now she is extremely peaceful. Angelfish don't bother anyone. Appreciate the input.
Adding 4-5 Bolivian Rams to your 60-gallon planted tank is generally a reasonable idea. Given your current stocking, it's likely to work out well. Since your female Apistogramma agassizii has become peaceful after her mate's passing and the angelfish aren't causing issues, introducing Bolivian Rams should be manageable. Just keep an eye on their interactions during the introduction to ensure there's no undue aggression .

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