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Mixing apistos and rams


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5 Year Member
I have recently been given a breeding pair of A Eunotus, in my 120L planted tank I also have a pair of German rams, they chase each other round the tank a little bit, would it be a good idea to get rid of the rams now, or wait and see what happens when the apistos spawn? which apparently is every 3 weeks?


New Member
Hello Paul Fox,

Given some time to get them situated into a tank even your 120L, rams and apistos can coexist. If you'd like to have one or the other be the predominant breeders in the tank then move the other ones. If breeding isn't really as important then I say just leave them in there till they divide the tank up into their own territories. Of course, the chasing and squabbling will go on as they are cichlids, but as long as there are places for each species to retreat to, then you shouldn't have a problem at all. plenty of plants and so on will help do this fine. Best of luck.. john


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5 Year Member
Thanks John, I have now got rid of the rams and the honey gouarmis as they were getting grief as well, the male apisto looks a lot happier and is trying it on with the female, so hopefully they will spawn soon. The single fry I was also given is colouring up nicely, although I cannt decide what sex it is yet.


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5 Year Member
If they are so easy to spawn, how come I cannt find much info on them and more people dont have them? I would have thought they would be popular

Greg PL

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5 Year Member
Warsaw - Poland
paul_fox said:
how come I cannt find much info on them and more people dont have them? I would have thought they would be popular

they are not that colorful, quite big and can be aggressive towards each other and other species.
they are similar to A. cacatuoides in regards to maintenance and breeding. depending on their origin they can accept medium hard to hard and slightly alcaline water and rear offsprings in such conditions.
very sturdy and interesting fish. good mothers too.

good luck!


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5 Year Member
Thanks Greg, the female hasnt left the coconut for 2 days now and the male is guarding it, so I guess they have spawned :) ? I cannt see anything though, all the plants have got in the way :frown:
Since I got these I have found a few other types of apistos I like, shame I cannt have another tank...


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5 Year Member
They still havent done anything, the females out around swimmimg and the male is still trying to impress her - without success. She still doesnt even look like she has eggs in her


New Member
5 Year Member
Hi Paul


How are you going with your Eunotus? I've had them for a while now and despite their supposed lack of colour they are one of my favourite apistos. They are fantastic parents. One pair managed to raise about 30 fry in a 120 litre community tank with barbs, silver shark and various other fish! They are interesting to watch and easy to breed. I'm curious to know how you're going with them?



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5 Year Member
To be honest, I am getting no where with them, the ph is 7, kh is 6 and gh is 8, I have got my new tank now, so will be swapping them over in a few days - hopefully they will do better. :confused: I dont want to up the ro water though as I am doing 50/50 cut now and inject c02 but I think it could do with being a bit softer...

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