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lighting a blackwater tank


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5 Year Member
I recently set up a blackwater tank for some Apisto. agassizii, and had a question about lighting it. The tank is planted with low light plants, namely anubias, crypts, and java moss. At the moment, it is lighted only by 2 clip on lamps with cf bulbs, but obviously, this is not a permanent solution. The tank has 2 large pieces of driftwood, and a small pile of ketapang leaves in one corner, so the water has quite a tint to it. My question is, what kind of light would be most appropriate for this tank? Would normal 6500k bulbs be suitable, or should I over-correct for the tinted water by going bluer? Would it be sufficient to just go for a higher wattage? The tank is a 20 long, so it is only 12" deep.

Here's a fts.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Clarkston, WA
I think anything between 6500K and 10,000K would work well. It just might be a good idea to try the 10,000K if you are certain you are going to stay with the tinted water. I use lights in both ranges.
I just set up my six new 40 gal breeder tanks and went with just one Current Nova, 36-inch, 10,000 K, 21 watt, T-5 fixture per tank. It puts out enough light to grow plants in the 40's. I painted the sides and backs slate blue and use a thin layer of RedSea FloraBase substrate to conceal the bare bottom glass. I pot rooted plants like E. bleheri, E. parviflora Tropica and E. Kleiner Bar hybrid, attach Anubias to the bog wood and use Ceratophyllum for my floating plant.
One surprise I had was that although I had been growing my Kleiner Bar Hybrid swords under more intense T-5 lights of 6700K, they have been putting out new leave that are a much deeper red color than before. That is one of its special traits that allows them to sell for about $10/plant. They put out runners with so many daughter plants that it is difficult to understand why they are as expensive as they are.
I also raise a lot of Red Cherry Shrimp and I seem to get higher production using Ceratophyllum. I also grow Najas guadelupensis as a floating plant but it is more accurate to call its growth habit natant.
Anyway, these T-5 10,000K put out enough light to get good growth on a 16 hour on cycle. Just 1/2 watt/gal.


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5 Year Member
I love the look of the tinted water a lot. Do you find the 10,000 K lights a bit blue? I'm trying to source these lights cheaply, but both dealers I usually get them from don't have what I need in the 30" length.


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5 Year Member
Clarkston, WA
I don't feel 10,000K lamps are too blue. Fish still have nice colors and plants grow well unabated. I was just thinking this type of lamp might have slightly better penetration qualities. My perception is that it does, at least in deeper tanks but mine were all clear water rather than black.

My use of dark stained water is usually temporary and during a particular project. I never thought much about the lamps since my focus was mainly on trying to get a spawn.

I am pretty happy with 6500, 6700 and 10,000K lamps alone or in combinations.
All the standard low light to high light plant species do well for me. I don't use CO2 and only fertilize rooted plants I pot with a Nutrifin PlantGro fertilizer spike. They are time release and often last up to one year. I prefer fertilizing individual plants rather than the water. I use Gladware food storage containers for my pots. I don't like the roots spreading outside a pot with a hole in the bottom.
I grow Amazon swords over the size of a twenty inches cube without resorting to any more than I have described. That is big enough for me.


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5 Year Member
Las Vegas
awsome tank

i just set my 60gallon up with the remnates of my 20gallon blackwater tank. its looking really nice and ive been able to expand alot on the types of fish and plants i have. i use 10,000k bulbs also and havent had any problems with them.

I think your the only other person ive seen use Ketapang (indian almond) tree leaves in their tank, i wonder how popular this is because i havent seen or heard of very many people doing it.

if you have any suggestions or tricks that you use in your blackwater tank, please let me know! im always glad to hear from other people with superious knowledge than myself.

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