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Hello from Fremantle


New Member
Hi all from Fremantle in Western Australia!

Lovely to see a forum dedicated to Apistogrammas! I have been intrigued by these little fish for a while now, and now that I have just acquired my first pair as part of my aquarium community, I'm in love!

I have a 190L 4ft community aquarium with Red Phantom and Cardinal Tetras, and two Royal Whiptail Catfish to which I've added a pair of Cacatuodies Triple/Super Red. They seem right at home and after just a few days the little male is already displaying his little heart out to the female and trying to shepherd her towards his newly staked-out cave. They have a healthy appetite (but only seem to like brine shimp, they ignore pellets) and seem to get along with the rest of the community (which will hopefully culminate with a pair of Discus as well).

I would like to add another pair to the community, and have prepared the tank to have separate territories with lots broken lines of sight, different spawning cave options, mix of planted/driftwood/open areas), and am considering a pair of Ap. Borelii or Ap. Baenschi as potential candidates. Does anybody have any thoughts on which of these varieties might be better suited to this kind of community?

I have just bought a new camera so will post some pics soon. :)

Thanks everyone!


New Member
G'day Jason, nice to see you here! I took a few piccies this evening, will post them on the main board. :)

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