Hi, I'm just getting into the hobby and I've been interested in getting some Apistogramma borellii, especially since they're considered more accessible for beginners. I've been using this forum a lot for information and it seems to be more reliable than a lot of the information I see elsewhere.
Would Moenkhausia pittieri work well with borellii?
My tank is 125L, approx 80 x 35 x 50 cm. (L x W x H). The tank will also be heavily planted with a lot of riverwood, some inert rocks, and a sand substrate.
Ideally I'd keep a M+F pair of borellii, using the tetras as a dither. I don't mind if the tetras act as population control for any fry that may occur because I live in a rather remote area and would struggle to rehome them. Unless that dynamic would cause significant issues for the fish.
I'm 100% open to other suggestions for fish and any knowledge anyone would be willing to share, thanks!
Would Moenkhausia pittieri work well with borellii?
My tank is 125L, approx 80 x 35 x 50 cm. (L x W x H). The tank will also be heavily planted with a lot of riverwood, some inert rocks, and a sand substrate.
Ideally I'd keep a M+F pair of borellii, using the tetras as a dither. I don't mind if the tetras act as population control for any fry that may occur because I live in a rather remote area and would struggle to rehome them. Unless that dynamic would cause significant issues for the fish.
I'm 100% open to other suggestions for fish and any knowledge anyone would be willing to share, thanks!