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cacautoides v bolivian rams


sorry i meant to rewrite and never got around to it. The problem has resolved itself, I bought some rams and put them in a 36inch long 30 gallon tank with a pair of cacautoides. It was strange the male cacutoides actually seemed to enjoy the company or was very curious. The male ram gave him a peck which started a little tussel but today 3 days on, they are swimming together quite happily. The female is still aggressive but she is the tiny little boss fish. Everybody advised that cichlids do not get along together, am i missing something?

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Many cichlid species will co-habit an aquarium without aggression - particularly if they are very different in appearance and occupy different parts of the aquarium (like Rams and apistos). Once breeding starts, however, behavior will often change for the worse.


Bangkok, Thailand
I have kept cacatuoides and Bolivian rams in the same tank for 2 years.
All the "retired" male caca will end up here (now 6), which is also the home of a pair of very large Bolivian rams.

In general, the caca will flare to other caca, and the male ram will chase his partner.
They don't really care about the other species, but there are certain times when the male ram was way too hyperactive and disturbed ALL other fish in the tank.
The rams even spawn in the tank and that time was hell for the cacas of course.
It gave me some headaches too. I had to improvise and use random dark materials as dividers to keep the rams, particular the male, from seeing other fish.


Incase anybody searches this thread I thought I should add that I have now experienced problems. The female caca began displaying to the male. He then in turn started to threaten the ram by swimming close to him all the time, the ram over powered the male caca after the strangest display of fish behaviour I have seen, lots of twisting turning and swimming vertically by the male cacatuoides. The male ram is now a tyrant after winning this fight and the male cacatuoides has resigned to the shadows, i think he will die. I will take the ram to the local fish shop sadly. My dream of having two apisto species in a 30 gallon is over.......


Bangkok, Thailand
Incase anybody searches this thread I thought I should add that I have now experienced problems. The female caca began displaying to the male. He then in turn started to threaten the ram by swimming close to him all the time, the ram over powered the male caca after the strangest display of fish behaviour I have seen, lots of twisting turning and swimming vertically by the male cacatuoides. The male ram is now a tyrant after winning this fight and the male cacatuoides has resigned to the shadows, i think he will die. I will take the ram to the local fish shop sadly. My dream of having two apisto species in a 30 gallon is over.......

Sorry to hear that. I still believe it is entirely possible to keep caca and Bolivian rams in a medium sized tank. I actually do and have been doing this for 2 years already. The trick is that they must not be breeding or wanting to breed or it will lead to many many problems (although both my rams and caca spawned in the tank at certain points).

PS. Your dream of "having two apisto species in a 30 gallon" is NOT over. It just hasn't started, because Bolivian rams aren't apisto :)

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