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New Member
5 Year Member
Does anyone keep badis? This genus acts and looks similar to dwarf cichlids with sone difference on egg laying and male egg and fry care.These fish are grouped with the anabantids but keepers of anabantids seem to have little interest in the fish.There are now 23 recognized species of badis and about 7 species of its smaller cousin Dario.When they appear in club auctions they seem to be bought by cichlids people. I am currently keeping one species and have kept and bred several species of this genus


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Wiltshire UK
Hi all,
Does anyone keep badis? This genus acts and looks similar to dwarf cichlids with sone difference on egg laying and male egg and fry care.These fish are grouped with the anabantids but keepers of anabantids seem to have little interest in the fish.There are now 23 recognized species of badis and about 7 species of its smaller cousin Dario.When they appear in club auctions they seem to be bought by cichlids people. I am currently keeping one species and have kept and bred several species of this genus
I'd like to be Badidae keeper, but I've spent the last five years looking for a female Dario dario in the UK, but so far without success.

cheers Darrel

Bart Hazes

Active Member
Just two weeks ago I picked up 4 Badis sp. 'Buxar' and 4 good old Badis badis. I hardly get to see the latter but the former are gorgeous and quite lively. I'll try to post some images when I get home.
They are quite a bit smaller than apistos unless mine have a lot more growing to do. My current feeling is that the biggest males are similar in length, but more slender, than a typical apisto female.

Bart Hazes

Active Member

As promised, a picture of one of my 4 Badis sp. Buxar.


5 Year Member
As @dw1305 said, it is difficult for some of the species to find females. Right now i have a tank running for over 1 year now, ready for one of the badis/dario species. Very difficult to find a healthy group with females.

I think they are gorgious. And because of the small size very suitable to keep in a tank. In general i don't like keeping large species in tanks because of size.

Bart Hazes

Active Member
Looking forward to hear more about your experiences. Mine are in a 29 gallon tank but it probably only has 9 gallons of water, a little bit of emerged substrate (lake-shore habitat) and also lots of plants with a big piece of driftwood to break line of sight. I added a pleco cave last week and the dominant male has taken up residence, the other male tends to remain at the other side of the driftwood with some occasional skirmishes. The dominant male then spreads all fins to maximum extend and draws his spine in a slight S-curve before pouncing. The larger female hangs out on the cave side and I have the impression that she is ripening but also gets occasionally chased. The smaller female kind of hops between both sides and she quite often rests on her ventral fins on the bottom, like a darter.
Other tank inhabitants are one lonely Nannostomus eques and a Sphaerichthys vaillanti chocolate gourami. They are mostly ignored by the Badis though the two themselves often pair up and occasionally quarrel.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Wake Forest NC, USA
Hi Bob -- I'm keeping Badis ruber (aka "burmanicus" in older books). I think some other Raleigh area folks may have other Badis species.

The latest info i've seen shows the Badidae (Badis and Dario), Nandus, and Pristolepis as a "sister group" to the Anabantoids and Channidae on the evolutionary tree. The other leaffishes (Afronandus, Polycentropsis, Monocirrhus, Polycentrus) comprise the family Polycentridae, on a far distant branch of the tree, closer to Cichlids. http://rupertcollins.net/papers/jzs12103.pdf


New Member
5 Year Member
Just two weeks ago I picked up 4 Badis sp. 'Buxar' and 4 good old Badis badis. I hardly get to see the latter but the former are gorgeous and quite lively. I'll try to post some images when I get home.
They are quite a bit smaller than apistos unless mine have a lot more growing to do. My current feeling is that the biggest males are similar in length, but more slender, than a typical apisto female.
Where did you get the buxar

Bart Hazes

Active Member
Where did you get the buxar
I got them from a Canadian hobbyist/fish importer, Curtis Jerrom (Calgary), who brings in the most wonderful collection of dwarf cichlids, tetras, catfish and other exciting fish that are rarely if ever in normal fish shops (at least Canadian ones). Unfortunately, that doesn't help you unless you live in Canada.


New Member
5 Year Member
I haven't kept Badis sp. for maybe 20 years. I thought they were a percoid family (Badidae) more closely related to Nanids.
Agree was not very clear on what I wrote. In the Aqualog books these fish are included with the anabantids so I assume they distantly related


New Member
5 Year Member
Hi all,I'd like to be Badidae keeper, but I've spent the last five years looking for a female Dario dario in the UK, but so far without success.

cheers Darrel
I agree the females are difficult to find.I have imported boxes of Dario Dario in lots of 200 and received about ten percent females. I have bred them and found that to maximize females they need to be grown out separaratly from the males .males grow faster and out compete females for food.

Bart Hazes

Active Member
I just wrote a blog on keeping room temperature tanks. It includes Apistogramma trifasciata, which bred, as well as Badis badis and Badis sp. Buxar. I now have had several spawns of the latter in a zero-tech zero-maintenance (apart from feeding) tank. Fry have to fend for themselves but some survive from each spawn.
Ruinemans in the Netherlands has Dario dario, Dario, sp. Myanmar, and Dario kajal at the moment, as well as pygmy sunfish, Elassoma evergladei (Gerald's avatar?) and E. zonatum. My local fish guy is supposed to import most of them so I will have to convert some more tanks to room temperature.



Active Member
5 Year Member
Odijk, the Netherlands
I just wrote a blog on keeping room temperature tanks. It includes Apistogramma trifasciata, which bred, as well as Badis badis and Badis sp. Buxar. I now have had several spawns of the latter in a zero-tech zero-maintenance (apart from feeding) tank. Fry have to fend for themselves but some survive from each spawn.
Ruinemans in the Netherlands has Dario dario, Dario, sp. Myanmar, and Dario kajal at the moment, as well as pygmy sunfish, Elassoma evergladei (Gerald's avatar?) and E. zonatum. My local fish guy is supposed to import most of them so I will have to convert some more tanks to room temperature.


Have you orderd before from ruinemans? I’ve heard quite some terrible stories and my experience with the fish from my local lfs who buys their fish from ruinemans isn’t great either. Definetly have some quarentine tanks and medication ready.

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Working on the spam issues. Just set up a new add-on that should help tremendously. Thanks for your continued patience!!! And thanks for donating!
roekste wrote on Josh's profile.
Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
Thank you.
I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?