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Apistogramma Borellii


New Member
5 Year Member
springfield, Virginia
Can i keep 2-3 A. Borellii in a 29 gallon tank safely with other tetras. What is the easiest way to sex borellii's and are teh fry hard to raise? Also should they have soft water for breeding?



New Member
5 Year Member
monroe, or
Michael said:
Can i keep 2-3 A. Borellii in a 29 gallon tank safely with other tetras.
A trio of Borelli would be great in a 29, tetras are fine till you have fry, then there could be trouble, they'll pick off some if they can.

Michael said:
What is the easiest way to sex borellii's and are teh fry hard to raise? Also should they have soft water for breeding?

Well, they easiest way is when the female turns yellow and lays eggs, but if that's not happening, then look for black on the front edge of the ventral fins for the females. Soft water is not necessary for the borellii, it is fine in neutral water.


New Member
5 Year Member
springfield, Virginia
A. Borellii

How agressive do borellii's get when they are breeding. Could they kill one of my tetras? Also, would a upside down flowerpot be a good spot for them to lay their eggs on?



New Member
5 Year Member
monroe, or
The flower pot is great to use, thats what most of us use.

The tetra could be killed real easy by a brooding female apisto.


New Member
5 Year Member
Burlington, Vermont
Hi Michael,

My borellii aren't really that aggressive, even when defending their fry. They vigorously defend a certain perimeter, where they will chase any intruders "away" but they won't chase them "down". They'll nip any they catch within the boundry of their territory, but once the intruder leaves the territory, they return to their fry.

My viejita on the other hand are much more aggressive. They don't always just chase intruders "away", but they DO occassionally chase the other viejita "down" and give them a good pounding if they corner them.

HOWEVER, the viejita completely ignore the beckfordi pencilfish. I think this is mostly because the pencilfish quickly learn to stay away and can quickly dart away if they stray too close. Another reason, could be that the pencilfish hang out in the upper half of the tank where they are of less concern to the viejita.

I've since removed the extra viejita and have only a trio (1m2f) in a 30 gallon long and there is very little aggression. They keep a closer eye on the pencilfish, but there is no problem as the pencilfish seem to know where they are safe and for the most part stay away from the brood areas.


New Member
5 Year Member
springfield, Virginia
A. Borellii

SO should I or shouldnt I keep A. B in my 29 gallon tank with tetras? I really would rather that none of my tetras die and thanks for your help?



New Member
5 Year Member
monroe, or
A. Borellii

Michael said:
Could they kill one of my tetras?

farm41 said:
The tetra could be killed real easy by a brooding female apisto

I said they could, because that is what you asked if they could.

Not likely though. You may lose some fry to some pesky tetras if you have a successful spawn. That scenario is much more likely.


Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
ime borelli are the least agressive of the dwarf cichlids and they are a good beginner dwarf. it is unlikely they would kill your tetras but there will be some agression if they stray too close to a defended spawning site. females will be quite agressive when there are eggs or fry, esp towards a male at times.

your 29 gal is a good tank for a trio of borelli's (M/F/F). females are easily sexed at even a very young age by the black markings on the front edge of the ventral fins (the front paired fins on the bottom of the fish). when they get older, the male will get more full flowing finnage, and the females will go very yellowy gold when in breeding colour. borelli's are reputed to come from cooler water than most other dwarfs, and can be kept as low as 65 deg, although i keep them at 75- 80 deg or so. warmer water needs more aeration.


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