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Apistogramma Biotope


New Member
5 Year Member
nothern california
Does any one actually know what a Peruvian or Amazon biotope or
aquascape looks like? I would like to set-up my 75gal Cacatuoides
breeding tank up like it would actually look like in the wild, but I
have know clue what it looks like. All I know is there is alot of tree
roots that extend down into the water creating a black water
enviornment. Well I believe the Cacatuoides live in a white water
enviornment but other than that I know nothing. Like what plants
are indicative to the Cacatuoides natural habitat.Does anyone have
pics or can lead me to a site that would show me their underwater


Staff member
5 Year Member
Sisters, Oregon
The vast majority of SA biotope is leave litter. sand and wood. Water levels fluctuate so much and some of the water is so acid that plants dont do well. The idea that SA biotopes should include plants is the brain child of a lady (forgot her name offhand here) who studied aquatic plants and her idea was that if you were to create a SA aquarium, you could use certain plants. Also it's a good idea to make people think that the SA biotope includes plants if you happen to sell them> Think about it--how many rivers do you know actually have plants in them?? Only on the edges and the quiet places, which out west here there arent many.


New Member
5 Year Member
Azul, Argentina
Thats true, only echinodorus and eleocharis, maybe some hydrocotile sp. . All are in the shores in semiemerged or totally emerged. The best chance to find aquatic plants in submerged forms are in lagoons or in incredible clear water streams.
For apistogrammas in Argentina, the biotope is shalow waters, with lots of plant debris.


Staff member
5 Year Member
Sisters, Oregon
I dont know--if you had some nice pieces of wood and some oak leaves and some really nice dark sand you could arrange something nice>


5 Year Member
I think this is a case where you might have to compromise a bit. A tank full of leaves might be a more accurate biotope, but I don't think I would want that myself. I agree with Dave, you could put something interesting together using the correct materials for the area. It will just be a bit more challenging. Remember, we've all seen some outstanding mbuna tanks that are nothing but a pile of rocks.

My 33g community tank is an Amazon inspired theme. I don't use the word biotope because I know that it's really not. A true biotope is next to impossible to create IMO, but I suppose it all depends on how one defines the word. I think we only strive create biotopes and end up with something that is close enough that it pleases us (and hopefully our fish).

Greg PL

New Member
5 Year Member
Warsaw - Poland
Griz said:
I think we only strive create biotopes and end up with something that is close enough that it pleases us (and hopefully our fish).

that's as close to my way of thinking as possible :)
but it doesn't say we can't try better if resources permit.

for a real white water biotope - you'd probably have problems with seeing the fish unless they choose to stick to the front glass.
I am very fond of using nonaquatic plants in the setup early. just take one shoot of, say, a Philodendron sp. and put one end in the tank. the rest can go up on the wall or sth. you will see a great growth of the plant both ways - nice roots in the tank and big, deep green leaves above.
I'm pretty sure it happens in nature also.
additional plus is that the plant takes a lot of "biological wastes" from the water.

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