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Apisto and Beta?


New Member
Hi all! So I am getting a new aquarium 65 litre with an external filter and I was planning on getting an apistogramma! I already have the species picked out and I thought of going for the Apistogramma Viejita. My local fish shop had 1 male in a tank by itself and he looks stunning. I was planning on using the tank for nano fish or small species but I thought on changing it and maybe having 1 male in the tank and that it would be less aggressive than a pair and that he would be the main fish. (I have had apistogrammas before and he is already by himself since all the females sold) I was thinking of putting some Puesdomugil Red Neons in with the apisto. But then same local shop got some candy female bettas in. I do already have bettas in my other aquarium but my other tank is all settled so I wouldn't want to risk it. So really the question is could I put them both in the tank? I got a nice big piece of wood and I am currently soaking it due to the tannings and I will be putting live plants in. Is this a good idea? Or if not could I put gobies or killifish in?
** Edit **
I haven't brought anything yet or set the aquarium up!


Well-Known Member
Is this a good idea?
No. Domestic betta (yes including the females) are best kept solo.

Apistogramma Viejita
Those are very likely mislabeled, as a very common domestic breed of A. macmasteri is sold as that, while the actual A. viejita is not very common in the trade.

Or if not could I put gobies or killifish in?
Gobies: No. They live also in the lower regions of a tank, just as Apistogramma and depending on the species of gobi the requirements in temperature and especially current might diverge massively from those of the cichlids.
Killifish: Also depends on the species. Some are surface dwellers, which wouldn't be a problem, some have a similar lifestyle to the cichlids as well, which you don't want to mix.

You might want to look at dwarfcichlid.com and seriouslyfish.com to get some reliable info.


New Member
No. Domestic betta (yes including the females) are best kept solo.

Those are very likely mislabeled, as a very common domestic breed of A. macmasteri is sold as that, while the actual A. viejita is not very common in the trade.

Gobies: No. They live also in the lower regions of a tank, just as Apistogramma and depending on the species of gobi the requirements in temperature and especially current might diverge massively from those of the cichlids.
Killifish: Also depends on the species. Some are surface dwellers, which wouldn't be a problem, some have a similar lifestyle to the cichlids as well, which you don't want to mix.

You might want to look at dwarfcichlid.com and seriouslyfish.com to get some reliable info.
I will leave of the idea of bettas then, wouldn't want to chance it. Do you think killifish like Aphyosemion Australe or Clown Killifish would be alright? I haven't gone into too much research yet but I did ready that Clown killifish are normally top dwellers. Even if not I'll have a look on them websites now! Thanks for the heads up!


New Member
Not good, very similar life style and territorial.

That's Epiplatys annulatus, right? If you structure the tank right and offer the killifish a lot of floating plants... maybe. Please be aware that cichlids will try to eat any fish that probably fit their mouths.
Okay thanks! Bit gutted but I will look into other ideas and I will hold off for now, thanks again.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Wiltshire UK
Hi all,
I got a nice big piece of wood and I am currently soaking it due to the tannings and I will be putting live plants in. Is this a good idea?
I'd let the plants grow in for six weeks while you think about it.

Have a look at <"https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/help-needed-with-0-nitrates-levels.68393/#post-679359">.

I'm not sure any Apistogramma and Betta is a good mix, and I wouldn't do it.
or Clown Killifish would be alright?
<"They are">, but they really need soft water and live food.

cheers Darrel

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