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Any suggestions for a tap water fish for a 10 gallon?


Well-Known Member
My a. pucallpaensis are about to age out - i have 4 f2 males left all showing a fair amount of age; so i'm trying to decide on a new fish for the aquarium. Tap water is kh 3 gh 6 tds 140; and given the plants in it i don't want to switch this aquarium to blackwater (the plant species i have in there are kind of hard to obtain and testing suggest they won't grow in blackwater; or i haven't found the magic yet).

If nothing else i can try a nice pair of borelli but i'm open to other suggestions - most of the fishes i can think of that i want to try are best in blackwater; and i kind of like to skip dario dario since i'm not in the mood to be bounded by live food on a regular basis for the next few years (though my cherry chocolate gouarmi had no issue going after dry brine shrimp and bug bite).

This would be a dedicate aquarium with (currently) no dithers.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
IMHO a 10 gallon tank is a bit small for more than 1 apisto over the long term. Although I kept and bred many apistos in 10s in the early years it is not something I recommend now. A. borellii is probably the best species commercially available right now.


Well-Known Member
IMHO a 10 gallon tank is a bit small for more than 1 apisto over the long term. Although I kept and bred many apistos in 10s in the early years it is not something I recommend now. A. borellii is probably the best species commercially available right now.
Yes - but is there a non-apisto dwarf cichild that might be suitable? I know of a couple of smaller species but most of the ones i can think of require blackwater. I'm not in love with the idea of putting borelli in there as the male i previous had got quite large. What i did find with the a. pucallpaensis is the f1 and f2 stayed a lot smaller than their parents; though the ones i moved to a larger aquarium then grew to a more normal size.


Well-Known Member
A lot of different kinds of killifish would great in a 10g, and don't require specialized water or live food.
I guess if i can't find anything better i could try a group of Aphyosemion australe; not super eager to get caught up in the world of killi but better than nothing.

Ben Rhau

Apisto Club
5 Year Member
San Francisco
I specifically wanted something lower maintenance, interesting, and that I hadn't kept before. So I'm not collecting all the killi species, but I'm enjoying my tank. I'm keeping Aphyosemion gabunense with emerald lampeyes. They breed a lot slower, just a couple fry at a time, so I'm not constantly growing fry out. There are tons of other genuses as well.

I also kept Dario tigris, but I got frustrated that I couldn't find any females. They did take frozen food for me, actually, and even some bug bites. But with the guy I gave them to, they will only accept live.


Well-Known Member
Would Apistogramma angayuara be an option if it could be found ? Probably requires blackwater.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Would Apistogramma angayuara be an option if it could be found ? Probably requires blackwater.
As far as I know A. angayuara has never been collected or exported commercially. Yes, it would make a good apisto for a small tank. The Rio Trometas is a clearwater river. More likely to be found would be A. wapisana, another tiny species that is imported on very rare occasions. It occurs in clearwater streams in the Rio Branco.

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