I have a Waterbox clear mini 30 (24”x17”x17”) that currently houses a single male Baenschi, 8 rummynose, 9 dwarf corys, and some snails. For about a month I had 3 Bolivian rams in there as well, but had a very dominant male. After trying lots of things to reduce aggression, one death from starvation/wasting, the other banished to a corner, and some aggression towards the Baenschi I returned them.
I would really like to add some additional dwarf cichlids and interested in recommendations/thoughts. I’m thinking about trying another pair/trio of Bolivian rams and hoping for more peaceful personalities.The apisto didn’t mind the rams at all either. Otherwise I’m thinking about another apisto pair (may not find another Baenschi). NOT interested in breeding, but would like to see some of the apisto behavior.
Its a moderate to heavily planted tank and I tried to scape in several “territories”. Photo attached to show tank.
Any stocking thoughts?
I would really like to add some additional dwarf cichlids and interested in recommendations/thoughts. I’m thinking about trying another pair/trio of Bolivian rams and hoping for more peaceful personalities.The apisto didn’t mind the rams at all either. Otherwise I’m thinking about another apisto pair (may not find another Baenschi). NOT interested in breeding, but would like to see some of the apisto behavior.
Its a moderate to heavily planted tank and I tried to scape in several “territories”. Photo attached to show tank.
Any stocking thoughts?