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Three's company! Chromidochromis linkeyi Ehom Spawning


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5 Year Member
Mississauga,Ont. Canada
Feeding the fish today a was treated to a nice suprise. My Chrom. linkeyi Ehom were in the middle of spawning. I sat down to watch what I though was the pair spawing when I noticed that it was actually 3 fish involved in the spawning! One fish had already filled its mouth full of eggs when I noticed what I assume is the male suddenly go up to a second much smaller female that had wandered into the spwaning area. They then proceded with a short "spin" around the spawning area. I thought the male was just going to drive this fish off like the 3 other terrorized linkeyi hidding in the 3 corners of the tank when they suprised me. They proceded to start spawing! The spawning procedure is exactly the same as Geo. stiendachneri except this time the male started to pick up the eggs with his mouth. I left the fishroom as this is the first time that they have spawned and I did not want to spook the breeders and lose the spawn. I will check the tank tonight to see if they have finished spwning and to see if the second female has picked up any eggs as well.
I do not have much information about the spwaning of chromidochromis types but I was under the impression that the fish laid there eggs in caves and then picked up the newly hatched fry in there mouths but mine definately laid the eggs and picked them up directly into their mouths.
Also I assume that Chromidochromis linkeyi Ehom is probable under a different name as I have noticed on this forum that most of the West African "earth eaters" are just named under certain catch all names when they are first colleted then properly identified late. My fish are wild fish from Toyin.
I hope to have some pictures of the parents posted over the next few days.


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5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
Benitochromis finleyi

Dear Fisheads,

Congrats on your spawning!

Chromidotilapia finleyi Trewavas 1974 was referred to Benitochromis in 2001 by Dr. Anton Lamboj. The genus was created for what was the C. finleyi/batesii complex.

All of the Benitochromis and Chromidotilapia species are mouthbrooders. Most are pair bonding (except C. kingsleyae) ovophilic mouthbrooders, but a couple of described species, B. batesii and C. mrac, are larvophilic, where only the larvae are picked up by the parents after hatching.

Generally, females do most of the incubating, but as you've observed, pairs are known to share in the responsibility.

B. finleyi "Ehom" corresponds to a color variety of B. finleyi. Both are from in and around the Mungo River in Cameroon and differ somewhat in that finleyi tends to exhibit more blue on the flanks and red coloration in the dorsal, anal and caudal fins. The Ehom variety tends to a slightly lighter body coloration and clear fins.

Good luck with your fish, and please keep us posted.

All the best,

Randall Kohn


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5 Year Member
Mississauga,Ont. Canada
Thanks for the info Randall, Here is an update on the fish. A pair has formed and the smallest female has been pushed away by the male. As of this morning she has lost her eggs. The two larger fish have formed a pair bond and now run the bottom of the 50 gallon tank. The female has also taken to incubating all the eggs in her mouth with the male on guard. Should be able to post some pictures on Monday.
Sorry about the spelling mistake on thursday. The fish that I have is Chromidotilapia (Benitochromis) linkei Ehom from Toyin. In you response you mentioned that it was B.finleyi Ehom. Should I change the name to B.finleyi Ehom. There are pictures of B. linkei Ehom posted on Ariel's blackwater website that look identical to my fish. Any help in proper identification of my fish would be helpful.
It has been a good week for breeding in the fish room this week. First sucsessfull spawnings of Pel. tean. Lobe, Pel. Tean. Moliwe, Pel. pulcher Etiop River ( have been trying to get them to stop eating their eggs for 8 months! finally free swimming fry)


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
Chromidotilapia linkei

fisheads said:
Sorry about the spelling mistake on thursday. The fish that I have is Chromidotilapia (Benitochromis) linkei Ehom from Toyin. In you response you mentioned that it was B.finleyi Ehom. Should I change the name to B.finleyi Ehom. There are pictures of B. linkei Ehom posted on Ariel's blackwater website that look identical to my fish. Any help in proper identification of my fish would be helpful.

Dear Fisheads,

Benitochromis finleyi and Chromidotilapia linkei are fairly easy to distinguish. If you post a photo or two somewhere, we should be able to ID your fish for you. Toyin Ojo carries both species.

Ehom corresponds to a town in Cameroon on or near the Mungo River which is situated in the northwest part of the country. Several Benitochromis and Chromidotilapia species are collected from in and around this river. Toyin's usage of "Ehom" probably refers to a collection site. Unlike B. finleyi, there is no "Ehom" form or color variety of C. linkei that I am aware of.

Good going on all you spawning success!

All the best,

Randall Kohn


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5 Year Member
Mississauga,Ont. Canada
Hello Randall I haven't been able to get any good photos of my B. linkei? Ehom but this photo is very similar to my fish. The dorsal is more of a rusty red on my fish and the body has more of a bluish tinge but I am sure it is the same fish.
Unfortunately the pair seems to have lost there fry as the color intensity is gone and they are not nearly as aggressive to the other cichlids. No big deal though if they did it once they will do it again.


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5 Year Member
Mississauga,Ont. Canada
this is just a little up date on the spawning of my B. linkei "Ehom". After the initial spawning I separated the pair from the group of fish as the had taken up in a cave at the far end of the tank. the rest of the group was removed to another tank in hopes that a second pair would form. Instead the original pair that bonded started fighting and the rest of the group started fighting. Two weeks ago I placed all the fish back together in the original spawning tank. The pair bonded back together almost immediately after the group was put back together. They spent about a week going through the spawning ritual then spawned. After they spawned they stayed together for about 3 days as a pair then the male decided that he would spawn again with a female outside the pair bond. The original female was not impressed! She ate her eggs/fry and then kick the male out of the spawning cave. The second female was banished to the upper parts of the tank and the male does not want anything to do with her. It seems the the male will spawn with the second female but will not help with the kids! It seems that B. linkei get the seven year itch in about 3 days. Its Jerry Springer fishy style!

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