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Substrates - Flourite


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
I typically use a fairly fine natural gravel or plant sand for my Dwarf tanks. I usually only use about 1/2 inch to cover the bottom, buffer slightly, and give them something to cover the holes of their caves with. This way I can keep it extremely clean and avoid any detritus build-up.
Chuck Rambo told me about this Flourite substrate couple of months ago. He said that it reduces pH and hardness to a specific level and maintains it there. If that is the case it sounds like the perfect substrate. However, there are things I would like to know.
How big is the grain size? How does it look - color? How much does it cost? And, where can I get some? -farm41? Anyone?


New Member
5 Year Member
monroe, or
Yeah, flourtite is wonderful stuff for planted tanks, Onyx Sand too. They both supply iron and the Onyx buffers the water. I haven't noticed any Ph reduction, Onyx did raise my Gh from 10 to 13, and my Kh from 6 to 8. It didn't affect my Ph. I'm running one Flourite tank(60g) and 2 Onyx tanks(20g and 38) plants love the stuff. What I have just found out is be real careful what you start with for Kh and Gh. If you need it to go up a couple of notches then Onyx is your stuff. If you would like to grow some great plants and everything stay the same get the flourite.

The price is the only drawback, $20 a bag and I used 3 bags for a 20g and 4 in my 38g. The bags are 15 pounds each, this gives me 4" depth in the back and 2-3" in the front, just right for most plant roots. Growth can be amazing with enough light, nutrients, and co2. I use 1.25 bags for each square foot of tank bottom. If you want to use Onyx, get the sand, it's just right, the Onyx Gravel is way to course, I don't know what they are going to do with that stuff. Your lfs should have some bags on the shelf so you could compare the grain size, the Onyx sand is about 2-4mm and the flourite is larger with a lot of flat chip like grains. Best thing is go to the lfs and see it.

Both Products are made by Seachem and can be purchased at most lfs, or online. I was buying online and when I mentioned this to lfs that I could get it for $14.99 online and their's was $25, they immediately offered me a better deal, at least comparable to the lfs.




flourite comes in two colors (i think they call them green and red, though they aren't green or red) the original is a mix of black and reddish (think terra cotta, not fire engine :)) and the other is the same stuff, minus the black. onyx is a blackish-greyish stuff, and i agree that you want the sand if you use it, not the gravel. for a picture, check this http://communities.msn.com/TheDigitalAquarium/southamericancatfish.msnw The first picture and the fourth picture show flourite (i couldn't get the full-sized pics to work, but you can get an idea). the first picture is of a pygmy cory, so keep in mind the fish is less than 3/4" long. if you can get it for a reasonable price, flourite and onyx are both great. flourite, in my experience, doesn't affect the water chemistry, and onyx slightly raises kh & gh. both look natural (IMO) and are absolutely wonderful for plants. another thing to look into is Schultz All-Purpose Soil Conditioner (or, if you can't find it, Clay Soil Conditioner...the back of the package will say 100% Arcillite). They are lighter than flourite, and more of a tan color, but far cheaper and still great with plants. They can be found at garden centers and even wal-mart. for all of these products, rinse well.


Flourite takes lots of rinsing, thats probly its only downside. It doesnt seem to have any effect on ph or hardness.


Just to clarify: Flourite does NOT affect KH or pH. Onyx does raise KH somewhat.

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