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South American Fish Order


Staff member
5 Year Member
Richfield, WI
Everything listed below is wild caught. Orders needed ASAP as many of the fish go fast and I'd like to get my order in by Thursday morning so we can get the best possible fill rate. Fish will be in either later this week or by mid week next week. Prices are per fish with volume discounts listed.


Staff member
5 Year Member
Richfield, WI
CHARACINS 6+ 12+ 24+ 50+
Hemigrammus rodostomus Rummy nose tetra $2.28 $2.18 $2.08 $1.95 med Colombia
Hemigrammus armstrongi Brass/Gold Tetra $2.10 $2.01 $1.92 $1.80 med Colombia
Paracheirodon axelrodi 75% red color Red Cardinal tetra $2.28 $2.18 $2.08 $1.95 lg Colombia
Paracheirodon axelrodi Cardinal tetra $2.45 $2.35 $2.24 $2.10 lg Brazil
Paracheirodon axelrodi Cardinal tetra $2.63 $2.51 $2.40 $2.25 jumbo Brazil
Hyphessobrycon elachys Reed Tetra $6.13 $5.86 $5.60 $5.25 md Brazil
Hyphessobrycon werneri $4.38 $4.19 $4.00 $3.75 med Brazil
Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Flameback Bleeding heart tetra $4.20 $4.02 $3.84 $3.60 md/lg Brazil
Megalamphodus sweglessi Red Phantom Tetra $2.63 $2.51 $2.40 $2.25 med Colombia
Megalamphodus sp. Pantanal $10.50 $10.05 $9.60 $9.00 med Brazil
Hyphessobrycon bentosi Ornate tetra $3.33 $3.18 $3.04 $2.85 med Brazil
Hemigrammus ulreyi Ulreyi's Brokenline Tetra $10.50 $10.05 $9.60 $9.00 lg Brazil
Gasteropelecus sternichla Giant Silver Hatchet $5.25 $5.03 $4.80 $4.50 lg Colombia
Thoracocharax securis Giant Silver Hatchet $5.25 $5.03 $4.80 $4.50 md Colombia
Carnegiella laevis Glass hatchet $2.98 $2.85 $2.72 $2.55 md/lg Peru
Nannostomus marginatus Dwarf pencilfish $3.33 $3.18 $3.04 $2.85 lg Brazil
Nannostomus eques Eques Pencil $3.33 $3.18 $3.04 $2.85 lg Colombia
Piaractus cf.mesopotamicus Golden white belly pacu $27.97 $26.77 $25.57 $23.97 3" Colombia
Abramites hypselonotus Marbled Headstander $8.75 $8.38 $8.00 $7.50 2" Colombia
Abramites hypselonotus $10.47 $10.02 $9.57 $8.97 3-4" Colombia
Leporinus fasciatus Banded Yellow Leporinus $7.00 $6.70 $6.40 $6.00 2-3" Colombia
Nematobrycon larcotei Rainbow Emperor Tetra $2.63 $2.51 $2.40 $2.25 med Colombia
Metynnis fasciatus True banded Siver dollar $125.97 $120.57 $115.17 $107.97 xlg Brazil
Iguanodectes spilurus Green line lizard tetra $12.25 $11.73 $11.20 $10.50 med Peru
Semaprochilodus taeniurus $17.47 $16.72 $15.97 $14.97 1.5" Colombia
Semaprochilodus taeniurus $35.00 $33.50 $32.00 $30.00 3" Colombia
Axelrodia reisei Ruby red tetra $2.28 $2.18 $2.08 $1.95 xlg Colombia
Chalceus erythrurus Yellow finned Pink tail tetra $17.47 $16.72 $15.97 $14.97 lg Colombia


Staff member
5 Year Member
Richfield, WI
CICHLIDS 1+ 3+ 6+ 12+
Astronotus cf. ocellatus "Marajo" Wild Brazilian Oscar $31.47 $30.12 $28.77 $26.97 med Brazil
Dicrosus filamentosus $8.75 $8.38 $8.00 $7.50 med/lg Colombia
Dicrosus filamentosus $8.75 $8.38 $8.00 $7.50 med/lg Brazil
Acarichthys heckelii "WILD" $34.97 $33.47 $31.97 $29.97 3" Brazil
Geophagus abalios $13.97 $13.37 $12.77 $11.97 3" Colombia
Satanoperca mapiritensis "Rio Meta" $15.75 $15.08 $14.40 $13.50 med Colombia
Satanoperca mapiritensis $45.47 $43.52 $41.57 $38.97 4-5" Colombia
Satanoperca jurupari daemon $45.47 $43.52 $41.57 $38.97 4-5" Colombia
Satanoperca daemon $55.97 $53.57 $51.17 $47.97 5-6" Colombia
Pterophyllum altum True Altum Angelfish $41.97 $40.17 $38.37 $35.97 quarter Colombia
Pterophyllum altum $52.47 $50.22 $47.97 $44.97 dollar Colombia
Pterophyllum leopoldi $52.50 $50.25 $48.00 $45.00 med/lg Brazil
Teleocichla proselytus $45.47 $43.52 $41.57 $38.97 2" Brazil
Caquetaia myersi $33.25 $31.83 $30.40 $28.50 2-3" Colombia
Caquetaia spectabilis $87.50 $83.75 $80.00 $75.00 4-5" Brazil
Caquetaia umbriferum "Coello River" $55.97 $53.57 $51.17 $47.97 5-6" Colombia
Microgeophagus ramirezi ----NICE COLOR!! Wild Blue Ram $5.25 $5.03 $4.80 $4.50 med Colombia
Biodotoma cupido $26.25 $25.13 $24.00 $22.50 3" Peru
Apistogramma mendezi $17.47 $16.72 $15.97 $14.97 med Brazil
Apistogramma iniridae-----very nice!!! $12.25 $11.73 $11.20 $10.50 md/lg Colombia
Apistogramma agassizi $10.47 $10.02 $9.57 $8.97 med Brazil
Cichlasoma ornatus $150.00 $140.00 $130.00 2.5-3" Colombia
Crenicichla acutirostris Snake Pike $250.00 $225.00 $200.00 8-9" Colombia
Crenicichla marmorata Marbled Pike $125.00 $115.00 $100.00 4-5" Brazil
Symphysodon discus "Alenquer Super Red" Super Red Discus $225.00 $200.00 $175.00 5-6" Brazil


Staff member
5 Year Member
Richfield, WI
PLECOS 1+ 3+ 6+ 12+
Baryancistrus sp. LDA 33 Snowflake Pleco $64.97 $59.97 2.5-3" Brazil
Otocinclus affinis Oto cat $1.93 $1.84 $1.76 $1.65 lg Colombia
Scobiancistrus sp. L253 Royal Sunshine Pleco $94.22 $86.97 3-4" Brazil
Scobiancistrus aurantiacus L014 $113.75 $105.00 5-6" Brazil
Scobiancistrus sp L48 Ruby Spotted Magnum $81.25 $75.00 3.5-4" Brazil
Scobiancistrus sp L48 $97.50 $90.00 5-6" Brazil
Baryancistrus xanthellus L018 Gold Nugget Pleco $43.88 $40.50 2" Brazil
Baryancistrus xanthellus L018 Gold Nugget Pleco $47.94 $44.25 2.5-3" Brazil
Baryancistrus sp. L177 Gold Nugget Pleco $45.47 $41.97 2" Brazil
Baryancistrus sp. L177 Gold Nugget Pleco $47.13 $43.50 2.5-3" Brazil
Baryancistrus sp. L047 Magnum Pleco $81.25 $75.00 3-3.5" Brazil
Baryancistrus sp. L047 Magnum Pleco $87.75 $81.00 4-5" Brazil
Parancistrus aurantiacus Yellow/BlackChubby pleco $250.00 $225.00 4-5" Brazil
Parancistrus aurantiacus Yellow/Black Chubby pleco $300.00 $275.00 6-8" Brazil
Parancistrus nudiventris L31 Peppermint Chubby pleco $45.47 $41.97 md/lg Brazil
Panaque nigrolineatus L190 Royal Pleco $27.63 $25.50 2" Colombia
Panaque nigrolineatus L191 Broken line Royal Pleco $27.63 $25.50 2" Colombia
Panaque nigrolineatus L191 $38.97 $35.97 3-4" Colombia
Panaque armbrusteri L27 "Tocantins" Platinum Royal Pleco $400.00 $375.00 10-12" Brazil
Panaque armbrusteri L27 "Xingu" Long nosed Royal Pleco $81.25 $75.00 4-5" Brazil
Panaque armbrusteri L27 "Tapajos" Thunder line Royal Pleco $300.00 $275.00 7-9" Brazil
Baryancistrus demantoides L200 A Hi-Fin Green Pleco $48.72 $44.97 3" Colombia
Hemiancistrus sabaji "Tapajos" L75 $48.75 $45.00 3.5-4" Brazil
Hemiancistrus sp. L147 $42.22 $38.97 4-5" Colombia
Hemiancistrus sp. L128 Blue Phantom $48.72 $44.97 2" Colombia
Hypancistrus inspector L201 Orinoco Angel Pleco $32.47 $29.97 2.5" Colombia
Hypancistrus contradens Colombian Gold Nugget $38.97 $35.97 2.5-3" Colombia
Hypancistrus contradens Colombian Gold Nugget $45.47 $41.97 3.5-4" Colombia
Chaetostoma milesi Black spotted rubberlip $9.72 $8.97 md Colombia
Peckolita compta L 134 Imperial Leopard frog Pleco $86.13 $79.50 2" Brazil
Peckolita compta L 134 $91.00 $84.00 2.5-3" Brazil
Panaque maccus L104, LDA 22 Ringlet/Clown Pleco $9.72 $8.97 2.5-3" Colombia
Peckolita lineola L 202 $48.72 $44.97 5-6" Colombia
Hypancistrus furunculus L 199 $48.72 $44.97 3-4" Colombia
Pseudacanthicus sp. L25 Scarlet Pleco $250.00 $225.00 4-5" Brazil
Pseudacanthicus sp. L25 $400.00 $375.00 11-13" Brazil
Pseudacanthicus sp."Red Titanic" L273 $225.00 $200.00 4-5" Brazil
Pseudacanthicus sp. L24 $125.00 $100.00 4-5" Brazil
Leporacanthicus galaxias L29 Gold spotted Vampire $61.72 $56.97 4-5" Brazil
Leporacanthicus joselimai L 264 $61.72 $56.97 2" Brazil
Leporacanthicus sp. Aff galaxias L 240, 241 $81.22 $74.97 xlg Colombia
Leporacanthicus heterodon L172 Golden Vampire Pleco $87.72 $80.97 lg Brazil
Hypancistrus sp. L340 Mega Clown Zebra Pleco $32.47 $29.97 med Colombia
Hypancistrus sp. L340 $42.22 $38.97 lg Colombia
Hypancistrus sp. L260 Queen Arabesque $91.00 $84.00 2-2.5" Brazil
Hypancistrus sp. L262 Spotted Queen Arabesque $97.47 $89.97 2-2.5" Brazil
Hypancistrus sp. L66 King Tiger Pleco $100.00 $75.00 4-5" Brazil
Hypancistrus sp. L28 Angelicus Pleco $51.97 $47.97 4-6" Brazil
Sturisoma aureum Royal Farlowella $35.72 $32.97 7-9" Colombia
Sturisomahichthys sp. Colombia===great algae eater! Colombian Farlowella $25.97 $23.97 5-6" Colombia
Farlowella sp. Long nosed Twig Catfish $12.97 $11.97 6-7" Colombia
Loricaria sp.aff similima "Rio Humea"---very nice! Banded whiptail $51.97 $47.97 10-12" Colombia
Hypostomus soniae L137 Red finned blue eyed plec $45.47 $41.97 3" Brazil
Hypostomus soniae L137 Red finned blue eyed plec $64.97 $59.97 4-5" Brazil
Lamontichthys cf. llanero Orinocco longfinned loricaria $32.47 $29.97 4-5" Colombia


Staff member
5 Year Member
Richfield, WI
CORYDORAS 3+ 6+ 12+ 24+
Corydoras pygmaeus Pygmy Cory $1.93 $1.84 $1.76 $1.65 md Colombia
Corydoras adolfoi $17.47 $16.72 $15.97 $14.97 med Brazil
Corydoras duplicareus $17.47 $16.72 $15.97 $14.97 med Brazil
Corydoras imitator "Longnose " $21.70 $20.77 $19.84 $18.60 lg Brazil
Corydoras hastatus Tail spot Cory $4.20 $4.02 $3.84 $3.60 med Brazil
Corydoras habrosus Dwarf Cory $2.28 $2.18 $2.08 $1.95 med Colombia
Corydoras robustus $52.47 $50.22 $47.97 $44.97 lg Brazil
Corydoras pulcher $52.47 $50.22 $47.97 $44.97 lg Brazil
Corydoras elegans $5.25 $5.03 $4.80 $4.50 med Brazil
Corydoras julli True Peppered Cory $5.25 $5.03 $4.80 $4.50 med Brazil
Corydoras schwartzi $4.38 $4.19 $4.00 $3.75 med Brazil
Corydoras davidsandi $20.97 $20.07 $19.17 $17.97 lg Brazil
Corydoras reticulatus $5.25 $5.03 $4.80 $4.50 med Brazil


Staff member
5 Year Member
Richfield, WI
Others 1+ 3+ 6+
Osteoglossum bichirrhosum $87.47 $82.47 $74.97 7-9" Colombia
Platystacus cotylephorus Eel tailed Banjo cat $52.50 $49.50 $45.00 md/lg Brazil
Ambylodoras sp Marbled talking Catfish $17.47 $16.47 $14.97 med Brazil
Dianema urostriatum Flagtail Porthole Catfish $17.47 $16.47 $14.97 lg Brazil
Hexanematichthys seemani Colombian Shark $10.47 $9.87 $8.97 2-3" Colombia


Staff member
5 Year Member
Richfield, WI
Thanks Linus! I haven't branched out to those sites yet when it comes to preorders like this. But it's a great idea! I know one local fish keeper/friend who has posted my Cory availability on planet catfish from time to time.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Washington DC
If you pre-sell fish to deliver, that would help with a guaranteed market. If you want to "test the waters," get in touch with Jessie. At the last convention, Jessie was selling the captive raised L600 for Jim K., and they sold like hot-cakes.


New Member
Everything listed below is wild caught. Orders needed ASAP as many of the fish go fast and I'd like to get my order in by Thursday morning so we can get the best possible fill rate. Fish will be in either later this week or by mid week next week. Prices are per fish with volume discounts listed.
Apistogramma Aggazzi Super Red. How much are they going for. Do you have a price listing?


Active Member
5 Year Member
The pleco prices seem way too high. I have never seen L66 asking for $100, or L134 for $91. Are they for 1 or a group? I breed plecos like L46, L66, L134, L201, L260, L262, L340 etc etc, so I know the pricing for WC pleco very well. I am wondering if you are getting rip off.


Staff member
5 Year Member
Richfield, WI
The pleco prices seem way too high. I have never seen L66 asking for $100, or L134 for $91. Are they for 1 or a group? I breed plecos like L46, L66, L134, L201, L260, L262, L340 etc etc, so I know the pricing for WC pleco very well. I am wondering if you are getting rip off.

The prices are what they are. I don't control what the base price to me is. I have seen an increase on many of the Wild Caught South American fish out of Brazil lately though as shipping costs and especially export paper work/permits have jumped considerably in price. The pending completion of the Belo Monte Dam is also having a notable effect on pricing!


5 Year Member
I'd like to get the Nannostomus marilynae and Apistogramma mendezi, but do you ship to Belgium, Netherlands or Germany?

Or do you know someone who does?
Since I'm looking quite a while now for these fish, but nowhere to find them.



New Member
CHARACINS 6+ 12+ 24+ 50+
Hemigrammus rodostomus Rummy nose tetra $2.28 $2.18 $2.08 $1.95 med Colombia
Hemigrammus armstrongi Brass/Gold Tetra $2.10 $2.01 $1.92 $1.80 med Colombia
Paracheirodon axelrodi 75% red color Red Cardinal tetra $2.28 $2.18 $2.08 $1.95 lg Colombia
Paracheirodon axelrodi Cardinal tetra $2.45 $2.35 $2.24 $2.10 lg Brazil
Paracheirodon axelrodi Cardinal tetra $2.63 $2.51 $2.40 $2.25 jumbo Brazil
Hyphessobrycon elachys Reed Tetra $6.13 $5.86 $5.60 $5.25 md Brazil
Hyphessobrycon werneri $4.38 $4.19 $4.00 $3.75 med Brazil
Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Flameback Bleeding heart tetra $4.20 $4.02 $3.84 $3.60 md/lg Brazil
Megalamphodus sweglessi Red Phantom Tetra $2.63 $2.51 $2.40 $2.25 med Colombia
Megalamphodus sp. Pantanal $10.50 $10.05 $9.60 $9.00 med Brazil
Hyphessobrycon bentosi Ornate tetra $3.33 $3.18 $3.04 $2.85 med Brazil
Hemigrammus ulreyi Ulreyi's Brokenline Tetra $10.50 $10.05 $9.60 $9.00 lg Brazil
Gasteropelecus sternichla Giant Silver Hatchet $5.25 $5.03 $4.80 $4.50 lg Colombia
Thoracocharax securis Giant Silver Hatchet $5.25 $5.03 $4.80 $4.50 md Colombia
Carnegiella laevis Glass hatchet $2.98 $2.85 $2.72 $2.55 md/lg Peru
Nannostomus marginatus Dwarf pencilfish $3.33 $3.18 $3.04 $2.85 lg Brazil
Nannostomus eques Eques Pencil $3.33 $3.18 $3.04 $2.85 lg Colombia
Piaractus cf.mesopotamicus Golden white belly pacu $27.97 $26.77 $25.57 $23.97 3" Colombia
Abramites hypselonotus Marbled Headstander $8.75 $8.38 $8.00 $7.50 2" Colombia
Abramites hypselonotus $10.47 $10.02 $9.57 $8.97 3-4" Colombia
Leporinus fasciatus Banded Yellow Leporinus $7.00 $6.70 $6.40 $6.00 2-3" Colombia
Nematobrycon larcotei Rainbow Emperor Tetra $2.63 $2.51 $2.40 $2.25 med Colombia
Metynnis fasciatus True banded Siver dollar $125.97 $120.57 $115.17 $107.97 xlg Brazil
Iguanodectes spilurus Green line lizard tetra $12.25 $11.73 $11.20 $10.50 med Peru
Semaprochilodus taeniurus $17.47 $16.72 $15.97 $14.97 1.5" Colombia
Semaprochilodus taeniurus $35.00 $33.50 $32.00 $30.00 3" Colombia
Axelrodia reisei Ruby red tetra $2.28 $2.18 $2.08 $1.95 xlg Colombia
Chalceus erythrurus Yellow finned Pink tail tetra $17.47 $16.72 $15.97 $14.97 lg Colombia

Sorry for joining thread late but do you still sell dwarf pencil fish? I really need them, please. :(

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Working on the spam issues. Just set up a new add-on that should help tremendously. Thanks for your continued patience!!! And thanks for donating!
roekste wrote on Josh's profile.
Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
Thank you.
I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?