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  • I'm looking for some Sunsets -- Apistogramma atahualpa. An earlier post of yours had some for sale: ancient history or still valid?
    You have juvies of blue opal borelli now? How big/old? I don't necessarily want pairs..eight young that I can grow out would be good. I just got some young L. Dorsieger, so I do some grow out..what kind of deal would you have in mind? I'm in Florida 34453. Jim Will talk about pairs, also..
    I have unsexed F1 young adults (looks to be VERY female heavy if not all females at this point) 8/$50 and borelli Opal Red Face pairs for $40.
    Captain Jim
    Captain Jim
    I'm in Florida 34453. Possible for pics of male/ females? If no males in juvy batches would have to go with a pair..All females would not work..I like to propagate my fishes. What would shipping be?
    Hi, I saw on the GCCA that you will be a vendor at the upcoming swap meet. I had my apisto identified as a female 'blue steel' . I was hoping to get a male and another female to pair up with it but I saw on your stock list you don't have them.
    I'm not too concerned about breeding at the moment so I was wondering do you have anything that would be suitable as tank mates? Thanks, Aidan
    I know someone who has a bunch of steel blue if you want to go that route. But otherwise I'd consider something like Apistogramma sp. Tefe (agassizii like) or Apisto. agassizii "blue" as they have a very different body shape then the steel blue does so chances of them all getting along are better. Ekona posted some pictures on this forum somewhere of the sp. Tefe he got from me.
    Ok, I'm leaning towards getting the agassizii, I've just got back into the hobby and I'm not too concerned about breeding yet. My main concern was minimum conflict.So , I'll look at the photos, would I preorder them from you and collect them at the meet? Thanks for your help, Aidan
    I been trying to get a hold of a guy who got some for you about a year or so back but he has not got back to me. I would love to have this Apisto very much, so ill keep up with u. If you could get back to me on that, that would be great. Thanks for your time and have a good day.
    Didn't get them yet! HOPEFULLY they fill on the second part of this Peru order next week. If not it may be a little while before I get any as I need to find yet another Peru supplier after this night mare!!!
    Kool man thanks a lot for getting back to me :).
    I know you have this fish coming in soon Apistogramma allpahuayo blackchin .
    I know the orders keep get pushed back. I've been keeping up with you for sometime now and i was wondering if you reserve Fish for people how are very interested in your fish.
    Joe...I was selling the F1 cacatuoides 6 fish for $20. I'll have to see if I have 6 of them yet or not. Starting to gte low on them.
    Hey Jeff, i was wondering if you still have some of your Apistogramma cacatuoides if so pm me.
    Hey Jeff,
    Its Blaine. Just wondering if you have your a. rio demina gephyra's and your a. panduro's for sale yet?
    Hey Jeff, its Blaine, im really interested in your wild caught panduro's and gephyra's. Just looking for a pair of each if possible? Do you have any prices yet bud?
    Hey Jeff, my name is Blaine i emailed you awhile back. Im from roch. Mn. I wont be able to make it out to your area right now but was wondering what you have available for apisto's? Thanks in advance.
    Wild Caught
    A. norberti
    A. ermnopyge
    A. gephyra Rio Demina
    A. kelleri
    A. kelleri*
    A cf. cacatuoides Aguaytia*
    A. cruzeiro*
    A. panduro+
    A. iniridae+

    *just in +coming next week
    Tank Raised
    A. cacatuoides 'Triple red' (males only) - 3/4-1"
    A. cacatuoides 'Triple red' (males only) - 2-3"
    A. cacatuoides F1 - 3/4"
    A. panduro - 1/2"
    A. baenschi F1 (almost sexable, look female heavy) - 1/2"
    A. baenschi F1- 3/8"
    A. barlowi F1 - 3/8-3/4"
    A. sp. 'Black-chin' 3/8-1/2"
    Hey Jeff, my name is Blaine i emailed you awhile back. Im from roch. Mn. I wont be able to make it out to your area right now but was wondering what you have available for apisto's? Thanks in advance.
    any updates as to when they're coming in?Stopped by a LFS today and saw pretty much what they looked like and yes they're nice looking
    Hey man, Hows it going...

    How are the little critters doing? Seems you dont deal with Apistos as much anymore, or at least it seems when you have stuff for sale its different things.

    I am excited, I just got a trio of wild Bitaeniata for 18 bucks at a local shop. Been dying to get them again since I had the ones from you. Anyways, saw you online and figured I would say hello.

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