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  • Hey man, I have no idea how to private message you. I used to be active on this forum and could do it but now I forgot LOL I am from MN as well and have seen you get some pretty nice dwarf cichlids If you could PM me that would be great and we could chat a bit. Thanks bud! ~ Phil
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    Reactions: DwarfApisto
    Hey sorry I haven't been on here in quite awhile, Yeah look me up im on Facebook. Blaine Austad Jr. Look me up Im breeding some Nice apistos right now, expanding any time I can.
    Thank you for your reply! I am in no rush at all, but would you put my name on 6 to 8 for when they are ready and weather is permitting? I am also looking for a male or 2 of bitaeniata Rio Tigre if you have any leads please pass my way. Thanks again!
    Hello, I am interested in a group of your bitaeniata Tefe when they are ready, shipping weather permitting of course! LMK
    Thank you, David
    No problem. But it will be a few months David. Will post when they get close to size. Thanks for your interest.
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